π(αρὰ) Ἀλυπίου.
τὰ πεμφθέντα [ -ca.?- ]
καμήλια Ἀρις̣[ -ca.?- ]
εἰς μεταφορὰ̣[ν -ca.?- ]
Περιγένους τ[έκτονος(?)](?)
θρέψαι φρόν[τισον κατὰ τὸ]
ἔθος ἀλλὰ [κ]α[ὶ -ca.?- ]
ω τῷ π[ -ca.?- τῶν]
ἡμετέρω[ν -ca.?- ]
πάρεχε τ̣ο[ -ca.?- ]
κατʼ αὐτά[ρκειαν (?) -ca.?- ]
Ἡρωνεί[νῳ -ca.?- ]
(ἔτους) α[ -ca.?- ]
BL 1.148 : περὶ γʼ ἐμοῦ στ[ -ca.?- ] prev. ed.
(From) Alypios.
The things sent [ -ca.?- ]
Camelia Ariṣ[ -ca.?- ]
for transport[ -ca.?- ]
Of the lineage of [the sixth(?)](?)
To nourish, consider according to the
custom, but [also] [ -ca.?- ]
to the [ -ca.?- ] of our
provide [ -ca.?- ]
according to self-sufficiency (?) [ -ca.?- ]
to Heronē[ -ca.?- ]
(of the year) a[ -ca.?- ]