
Canonical URI: http://papyri.info/ddbdp/p.frankf;;1

Translation (Model: gpt-4o-mini, Batch ID: 2)

Extracted Text

Koine Greek

βασιλεύοντος Πτολεμαίου τοῦ Πτολεμαίου καὶ Βερενίκης θεῶν Εὐεργετῶν ἔτους ἐνάτου ἐφʼ ἱερέως Ἀνδρονίκου τοῦ Νικάνου Ἀλεξάνδρου καὶ θεῶν Σωτήρων καὶ θεῶν Ἀδελφῶν καὶ θεῶν Εὐεργετῶν καὶ θεῶν Φιλοπατόρων, κανηφόρου Ἀρσινόης Φιλαδέλφου Πτολεμαίδος τῆς Πτολεμαίου τοῦ Ἐμπεδίωνος μηνὸς Πανήμου ἐν Θώλθει τοῦ Ὀξυρυγχίτου. ἐμίσθωσεν Ἀπολλώνιος Μακεδὼν τριακοντάρουρος κληροῦχος τῶν οὔπω ὑφʼ ἡγεμόνα Νεοπτολέμωι Νουμηνίου Πέρσηι τῆς ἐπιγονῆς τὸν ἑαυτοῦ κλῆρον ὅλον εἰς ἐνιαυτὸν σπόρον καὶ θερισμὸν ἕνα · ἄρξει δὲ ὁ σπόρος τῆς μισθώσεως ἐν τῶι δεκάτωι ἔτει ὡν οἱ καρποὶ εἰς τὸ ἑνδέκατον ἔτος, ἀσπερμοὶ ἀκίνδυνον πλὴν ἀβρόχου ἐκφορίου πυρῶν ἀρταβῶν ἑξήκοντα · ἐὰν δέ τις γῆ ἄβροχος γένηται, παραδεχέσθω Ἀπολλώνιος Νεοπτολέμωι καὶ ἐκφόριον τῆς ἀβρόχου γῆς γενομένης. τὰ δὲ ἐκφόρια τὰ συγγεγραμμένα ἀποδότω Νεοπτόλεμος Ἀπολλωνίωι ἐν μηνὶ Δύστρωι τοῦ ἑνδεκάτου ἔτους σῖτον καθαρὸν καὶ ἄδολον τὸν γενόμενον ἐν τῶι κλήρωι μέτρωι χοὶ δικαίωι μετρήσει δικαίαι καὶ ἀπενεγκάτω εἰς Θῶλθιν οὗ ἂν Ἀπολλώνιος συντάξηι ἰδίωι ἀνηλώματι · ἐὰν δὲ μὴ ἀποδῶι κατὰ τὰ γεγραμμένα, ἀποτεισάτω Νεοπτόλεμος Ἀπολλωνίωι τιμὴν τῆς ἀρτάβης ἑκάστης τῶμ πυρῶν δραχμὰς δέκα καὶ ἡ πρᾶξις ἔστω Ἀπολλωνίωι παρὰ Νεοπτολέμου πράσσοντι κατὰ τὸ διάγραμμα. κυριευέτω δὲ Ἀπολλώνιος τῶν καρπῶν ἕως ἂν τὰ αὑτοῦ κομίσηται. ἐὰν δέ τι πραχθῇ Νεοπτόλεμος ὑπὲρ τοῦ κλήρου ἢ ὑπὲρ Ἀπολλωνίου εἰς τὸ βασιλικὸν ἢ ἄλλο τι καθʼ ὁντινοῦν τρόπον, ὑπολογείτω Νεοπτόλεμος εἰς τὰ ἐκφόρια. ὁμολογεῖ δὲ Ἀπολλώνιος ἔχειν παρὰ Νεοπτολέμου πρόδομα ἄτοκον χαλκοῦ νομίσματος δραχμὰς ἑξήκοντα · ταύτας δὲ ἀποδότω Ἀπολλώνιος Νεοπτολέμωι πρὸ τοῦ αὐτὸν ἢ τὰ ἐκφόρια κομίσασθαι· ἐὰν δὲ μὴ ἀποδῶι, ἐξέστω Νεοπτολέμωι ἀνεπευθύνωι ὄντι ὑπολογεῖν σῖτον τῶν ἑξήκοντα δραχμῶν ἀπὸ τῶν ἐκφορίων τιμῆς ὡς ἂν πωλῆται ἐπὶ τῆς ἅλω καὶ προσδεχέσθω Ἀπολλώνιος· ἐὰν δὲ μὴ ἐκποιῆι κομίσασθαι ἀλλὰ προσοφειλήσῃ τι Ἀπολλώνιος Νεοπτολέμωι ἢ σιτικὸν ἢ χαλκικὸν, ἐπιγεωργείτω Νεοπτόλεμος τὸν κλῆρον τοῦ αὐτοῦ ἐκφορίου καὶ ὑπολογείτω ἐπὶ τῶι, ἕως ἂν τὰ αὑτοῦ κομίσηται. βεβαιούτω δὲ Ἀπολλώνιος Νεοπτολέμωι τὸν κλῆρον καὶ τοὺς κατασπαρέντας ἐν αὐτῶι καρποὺς καθʼ ἃ μεμίσθωκεν· ἐὰν δὲ μὴ βεβαιώσῃ κατὰ τὰ γεγραμμένα, ἀποτεισάτω Ἀπολλώνιος Νεοπτολέμωι ἐπίτιμον ἀργυρίου δραχμὰς χιλίας , ἐὰμ μή τι βασιλικὸν κώλυμα γέννηται· ἐὰν δέ τι βασιλικὸν κώλυμα γένηται, ἀποδότω Ἀπολλώνιος Νεοπτολέμωι τὰς ἑξήκοντα δραχμὰς τὸ πρόδομα καὶ ἄν τι ἄλλο προσοφειλήσῃ παραχρῆμα· ἐὰν δὲ μὴ ἀποδῶι, ἀποτεισάτω ἡμιόλιον καὶ ἡ πρᾶξις ἔστω Νεοπτολέμωι παρὰ Ἀπολλωνίωι πράσσοντι κατὰ τὸ διάγραμμα. ἡ δὲ συνγραφὴ ἥδε κυρία ἔστω οὗ ἂν ἐπιφέρηται· μάρτυρες.


(No Latin text found in the document)

Translation into English

In the ninth year of King Ptolemy, son of Ptolemy and Berenice, benefactors of the gods, under the priest Andronikos son of Nikanor of Alexander, and the gods Saviors and the gods of the Brothers and the gods of Benefactors and the gods of Philopators, the cane-bearer Arsinoe, sister of Ptolemy, of Ptolemy son of Empedion, in the month of Panemos in Tholth of the Oxyrhynchite nome. Apollonios, a Macedonian, a thirty-rouros landholder of the yet ungoverned Neoptolemos son of Numenios the Persian of the descendants, has leased his entire lot for one year for sowing and one harvest. The sowing shall begin in the tenth year, when the fruits shall be for the eleventh year, unseeded and safe, except for the dry land of the wheat of the arta. If any land becomes dry, let Apollonios accept the dry land's produce. The produce that is recorded shall be given to Neoptolemos son of Apollonios in the month of Dystros of the eleventh year, pure and unadulterated grain that has been produced in the lot, measured by the just measure and delivered to Tholth wherever Apollonios may arrange it for his private expenses. If he does not give according to what has been written, let Neoptolemos pay Apollonios a fine of ten drachmas for each arta of wheat, and the action shall be with Apollonios from Neoptolemos acting according to the diagram. Let Apollonios have control of the fruits until he collects his own. If anything is done by Neoptolemos on behalf of Apollonios or on behalf of his lot to the royal or any other way, let Neoptolemos account for the produce. Apollonios agrees that he has from Neoptolemos an interest-free advance of sixty drachmas in copper coin; these shall be given to Apollonios before he collects them or the produce. If he does not give, it shall be permitted for Neoptolemos to account for the sixty drachmas from the produce as long as they are sold at the harvest, and let Apollonios expect it. If he does not collect but owes something to Neoptolemos, whether it be grain or copper, let Neoptolemos cultivate the lot of the same produce and account for it until he collects his own. Let Apollonios confirm the lot and the fruits that have been sown in it according to what he has leased; if he does not confirm according to what has been written, let Apollonios pay Neoptolemos a fine of one thousand silver drachmas, if no royal hindrance occurs. If any royal hindrance occurs, let Apollonios return to Neoptolemos the sixty drachmas as the advance and if he owes anything else, let him pay it immediately. If he does not give, let him pay a half-drachma and the action shall be with Neoptolemos from Apollonios acting according to the diagram. This document shall be valid wherever it may be presented; witnesses.

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