βασιλευόντων Κλεοπάτρα[ς τῆς μητρὸς θεᾶς Ἐπιφανοῦς καὶ Πτολεμαίου τοῦ Πτολεμαίου θεοῦ]
Ἐπιφανοῦς ἔτους τρίτου, ἐφʼ ἱερέως Φίλω[νος τοῦ Κάστορος Ἀλεξάνδρου <καὶ θεῶν Σωτήρων> (*)
καὶ θεῶν]
Ἀδελφῶν καὶ θεῶν Εὐεργ[ετῶν καὶ θεῶν Φιλοπατόρων καὶ θεῶν Ἐπιφανῶν καὶ βασιλέως Πτολε]μαί[ου
Φιλομή]τορος, ἀθλοφόρου Βερενίκης Ε[ὐεργέτιδος Σιμαρίστης τῆς Εὐφράνορος,]
κανηφόρου Ἀρσινόης Φιλαδέλφ[ου Ἑλένης τῆς Φιλοξένου, ἱερείας Ἀρσινόης Φιλοπάτορος
Εἰρήνης τῆς Πτολεμαίου μηνὸς] Περιτίου ὀκτωκαιδεκάτηι [Μεσορὴ ὀκτωκαιδεκάτηι, ἐν Φιλαδελ-]
φείαι τοῦ Ἀρσινοίτου νομοῦ. [ἐμίσθωσεν ὁ δεῖνα τοῦ δεῖνος
τριακοντάρουρος Πτο]λεμαίωι Μακεδόνι τῶ̣ν Γαλέστου [τρια-]
κονταρούρωι ἀπὸ τοῦ ἑαυτοῦ [
κόνταρουρικοῦ κλήρου τοῦ ὄντος
- ca.13 -]
υ ἀπὸ ἀπηλιώτου καὶ βορρ[ᾶ - ca.20 - ἀρούρας]
[δ]έκα πέντε
εἰς ἔτη τρία ἀπ[ὸ τοῦ κατὰ τὸ τέταρτον ἔτος σπόρου, σπόρους τρεῖς , ἐκφορίου τὴν ἄρουραν
ἑκάστην π]υρῶν ἀρταβῶν ἓξ ἄσπερ[μον καὶ ἀκίνδυνον παντὸς κινδύνου]
[καὶ] ἀνυπόλογον πάσης φθορᾶς [πλὴν τῆς ἐμβρόχου καὶ ἀβρόχου, ἥτις ἂν γένηται ἐν τῆι
γῆι ταύτηι. τῆς δὲ ἀβρόχου γῆς γενομέ]νης μὴ ἀποτινέτω Πτολε[μαῖος τὸ ἔλλειμμα
ἐξέστω μὲν]
[Πτ]ολεμαίωι διελθόντος τοῦ [κατὰ τὴν μίσθωσιν χρόνου
] ἐκφορίων, τὰ δὲ προ[
τὸ ἐπ]ὶ ποτισμὸν ὕδωρ πα[ρέχ
βρεχείσης τ[ῆς γῆς
- ca.10 -]α[
καθʼ ἕκασ[τον ἔτος
πυρὸν καὶ ἐ[
̣ ̣ ̣ ̣ ̣ ̣]
πλὴν ἐλ]αικῶν
φορτ[ίων ἔτος
-ca.?- ἀπο]τεισάτω [
- ca.13 - ὑ]πολογησ[α
- ca.16 -] ὀφθαλμοφανοῦς
None extracted.
"In the year of the reign of Cleopatra, the mother goddess of Epiphanes and Ptolemy, the god Ptolemy, in the third year of Epiphanes, on the priest Philon of Castor Alexander and the gods Saviors and the gods of the Brothers and the gods Benefactors and the gods Philopators and the gods Epiphanes and King Ptolemy Philometor, the athletic Berenice, Benefactor of Simarista of Euphranores, the cane-bearer Arsinoe Philadelphus, Helen of Philoxenus, priestess of Arsinoe Philopator, of Ptolemy, in the month of Peritios, on the eighteenth day of Mesore, in Philadelpheia of the Arsinoite nome. A certain individual rented out thirty arouras to Ptolemy the Macedonian of the Galestus, from his own arouras, from the arouras of the existing land, from the sunburnt and northern land, fifteen arouras for three years from the fourth year of sowing, three sowings, the aroura of each of the wheat of six artabas, unplanted and free from all danger, and unaccountable for all destruction, except for that which may occur in this land. If the land is unwatered, let Ptolemy not pay the deficit. It is permitted for Ptolemy to pass through the time of the lease of the harvests, but the provisions for watering shall be provided, and the water for irrigation shall be given, and the land shall be watered each year, except for the olive harvests."