Εὐδαιμονὶς Ἀλι-
νῆι τῆι θυ̣γα-
τρὶ πολλὰ χα(ίρειν).
⟦πρὸ⟧ πάντων τῶν
εὐχῶν μου ἀναγ-
καιοτάτην ἔχω
τὴ̣ν τ̣ῆς ὑ\g/είας σο̣υ̣
καὶ το̣ῦ̣ ἀ̣δελφοῦ σου
Ἀπολλωνίου καὶ τῶ̣ν̣
ἀβασκάντ̣ων̣ ὑμῶν.
ἔπειτ̣α̣ δ̣ὲ̣ χάρις τῷ θε̣ῶ̣ι̣
\ὑμᾶς/ ⟦σε⟧ πρ[ο]σ̣α̣[πα
θεοῖ[ς] οἷς επε[-ca.?-]
τοῖς α[θ-ca.?-]
[ ]
τ]ες τὴ[ν-ca.?-]
Ἀφρο]δίτης Τα̣[ζβῆ-]
αι το̣ῦ ἐν̣[-ca.?-]
ἱε]ρατ̣είαν̣ [-ca.?-]
να καὶ ἀ̣[-ca.?-]
ἀ̣ρχὴν [-ca.?-]
ε προπα̣[-ca.?-]
[ ]
ἀσπ]ά̣ζομαί [σε-ca.?-]
α̣ν καὶ τὸ̣[ν-ca.?-]
καὶ] τὸν Ἡρά[κλει-]
ν̣πα̣[ ]
ἐμ]ῶν. ἀσπ[άζον-]
[ταί σε] Σουεροῦς [καὶ]
[Ἡραιδο]ῦς. ἔρρ[ωσο-ca.?-]
δʼ ἐπ[οίησε-ca.?-]
ἀποστείλασ̣ά̣ μοι αὐτὰς̣ [-ca.?-]
θεσιν Ἡραιδοῦτι. Π[αῦνι-ca.?-]
Ἀλινῆι ἀπ̣ὸ̣ Ε̣<ὐ>[δαιμονίδος.]
(No Latin text was extracted from the document.)
"To the fortunate Alinai, greetings to your daughter. Among all my prayers, I have the most necessary one for your health and that of your brother Apollonius and your unenvied ones. Then, may grace be to the god, may you be brought before the gods to whom it is fitting to know the things of Aphrodite and the priesthood of the one who is in charge. I embrace you and the one of Heracles. I send you my greetings from the Sueroi and Herai. Be well. I have sent these things to you, to Heraiodou. To Alinai from Eudaimonidos."