Ἀνικήτωι ἐπιστάτει Εὐημερίας
ος τῆς Πετοσίριος
τῶν ἐκ τῆς αὐτῆς. τῆι κα τοῦ Μεχεὶρ τοῦ λθ (ἔτους) ἔκ τινων
ἀντιλογίαν πρός με συστησάμεναι Τνεφερσῶις Κεφάλωνος καὶ αἱ ταύτης θυγ[α]τέρες Δαφνὶς καὶ Σενβάγις καὶ οἱ υἱοί, ὧν τὰ ὀνόματα ἀγνοῶ, [πρ]οσπηδήσαντές μοι
καὶ [ - ca.25 - ] παρ[όντων πλειό]νων, οἷς καὶ ἐγ̣[ὼ] ἐ̣π̣εμαρτυράμην, ἀξιῶ ἐξαποσ[τεῖλαι] [ - ca.12 - ]ε̣[̣ ̣ ̣ ̣ ̣ ]
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To the unconquered, the overseer of prosperity, from the Petosiris, of those from the same. In the year of Mecheir, from certain matters, I have been presented with an objection by Tnefersois of the Heads and the daughters of this one, Daphnis and Senbagis, and the sons, whose names I do not know, having approached me and being present with many others, of whom I also testified, I demand to send away.