Περχῦφις α[ -ca.?- ] καὶ γυναι[κ -ca.?- ] Τοθοῆς ̣ [ -ca.?- ] σιος (πεντ)άρ(ο)υ(ρος) Ζώπυ[ρος -ca.?- ] ̣ ̣ ιου. (ἔτους) ιθ Χ[οίαχ(?) ̣ ̣ ] Κλιτάρ[χωι -ca.?- ]
No Latin text found.
The text appears to be a fragmentary inscription or document in Koine Greek, possibly mentioning names and dates. A rough translation could be:
"Perchufis, and woman, Tothis, of the (fifth) year of Zopyros, in the year 19, Kliarchos."