ἔτους θ Ἁθὺρ ιγ (*) ἐν Παθύρει ἐπὶ Σώσου ἀγορανόμου, ἐπελύσατο Ψενενοῦπις Ὀννώφριος δάνειον πυροῦ ἀρ(ταβῶν) νϛ, ἃ ἐδάνεισεν αὐτῷ Ἐριανοῦπις Παθώτου ἐν τῷ γ (ἔτει) Θῶυθ κατὰ συνγραφὴν δα(νείου) [τὴν] τεθεῖσαν (*) ἐπὶ τοῦ ἐν Παθύ(ρει) ἀρχε[ίο]υ, [ὃς] (*) καὶ παρὼν ἐπὶ τοῦ ἀρχείου Ἐριανοῦπις [δ]ιωμολογήσατο ἀπέχειν, καὶ μὴ ἐπι- [καλεῖν π]ερὶ τῶν διὰ τοῦ δανείου πάντων τρόπῳ μηδενί, τὴν δὲ ἡμιολιν (*) ἀφηκέ(ναι) (*) Ἑρμί(ας) ὁ παρὰ Σώ(σου) κεχρη(μάτικα).
v ἐπίλυ(σις) Ψενενούπιος.
Year 13 of Hathyr, in Pathyris, during the time of the market official Sosus, Psenenupis Onnophris took a loan of barley (of 6 artabans), which was lent to him by Erianupis Pathotus in the year Thoth according to the written record of the loan, which was established upon the archive in Pathyris. He, while present at the archive, Erianupis declared that he would refrain and not call upon anyone regarding all matters concerning the loan in any way, but he allowed the half (of the loan) to be released. Hermes, who is with Sosus, has the authority.