ἔτου[ς] ζ̣ [Ἐπ]εὶφ κδ (*) ἐν Παθύ(ρει) ἐπὶ Σώσου ἀγορανόμ[ου]. μεμέτρηκεν Ψενθώτης Νεχούτου Πελαίαι (*) Φίβιος τὸ ἐπιβάλλον αὐτῶ[ι] μέρος τέταρτον συνγρα(φῆς) Αἰγυπτίας πυ(ροῦ) ἀρ(ταβῶν) 5 κε καὶ ἀπ[ὸ] δανείου πυ(ροῦ) ἀρ(ταβῶν) ιβ 𐅵 δ´ ὧν ἔθετο Νεχούτης Ψενθώτου ὁ τούτου πατήρ· ὅς καὶ παρὼν ἐπὶ τοῦ ἀρχείου ἀνωμο- λογήσατο ἀπέχειν καὶ τοὺς τούτω[ν] τόκους καί μὴ ἐπικαλεῖν αὐτῷ 10 περὶ τοῦ (τετάρτου) μέρους τῶν δύο συναλ- λαγμάτων. Ἀμμώ(νιος) ὁ π[α]ρ[ὰ Σ]ώσου (*) κεχρη(μάτικα). v καταβολὴ Ψενθώτου.
(No Latin text was extracted from the document.)
In the year [of the reign] of [the king] Ἐπ[εὶφ] (possibly a name) in Pathyris, under the magistrate Sōsos, the one who measured (the grain) is Psenthotis, son of Nechouth, of Pelai. Phoebus, the one imposing upon him, the fourth part of the Egyptian grain of aratabons, and also from the loan of grain of aratabons, twelve. Of these, Nechouth, son of Psenthotis, his father, set forth: who, being present at the archive, swore to refrain and not to call upon him regarding the (fourth) part of the two transactions. Ammonius, who is [by] Sōsos, [is] in the matter of the funds. Payment of Psenthotis.