Πετενοῦπις τοῖς ἐν Τεβτύνει ἱερεῦσι χαίρειν καὶ ἐρρῶσθαι. μὴ λυπεῖσθε ἐπὶ τοῖς συμβεβηκόσι τῆι κώμηι. ὀμνύω γὰρ πάντας θεοὺς καὶ τὸν Σοκνοβτῦνιν τὸν σώσαντά μ̣ε εἶ μὴν τό̣τε μὴ ἐ̣πιγνῶναι, ἀλλὰ παρʼ αὐτὴν τὴν ὡ̣ρ̣α̣ι (*) μεταδ̣ο̣θῆ[ν]α̣ί̣ μοι ὑπὸ τοῦ στρα- τηγοῦ. διὸ καὶ ἐπεὶ μεταδέδωκα τῶι στρατηγῶι ὑπὲρ τοῦ ἱερο̣ῦ ὑμῶν, ὅπως μηθὲν κακὸν συμβῆι, καὶ τέθεικέ μοι μὴ κακονοήσειν μηδὲ τὴν κώμην ὁμοίως μηδʼ ὑμᾶς ἀπὸ τοῦ τε νῦν μὴ ἔχετε κακοὺς παρʼ αὑτοῖς. ἐγὼ γὰρ ὑπάρχων ὑμῖν οὐθὲν κακὸν οὐ μὴ πάθητε. ὥστε παρακαλῶ ὑμᾶς. ἔ̣ρ̣ρ̣(ωσθε). (ἔτους) [Φ]αμενὼθ κθ . v τοῖς ἐν Τεβτύν[ει] ἱερεῦσι.
None extracted.
Petenoûpis to those in Tebtyn, greetings and be well. Do not grieve over what has happened in the village. For I swear by all the gods and by Soknobtyn, who saved me, that I did not know at that time, but rather at that hour, I was to be given to me by the general. Therefore, since I have given to the general on behalf of your sacred place, that nothing bad may happen, and it has been established for me not to do harm, nor to the village likewise, nor for you to have bad ones among yourselves from now on. For I, being with you, will not suffer any harm. Therefore, I urge you. Be well. (Year) [Phamenoth] 30. v to those in Tebtyn priests.