ατος πρά(κτωρ) τῆς α̣ δ̣ ( ) Πτοάξι χαί(ρειν). ἔχω παρὰ σοῦ ἐλαίου χο(ῦς) λ̣ κ(οτ)ύ(λας) ζ (γίνονται) χ(όες) λ κ(οτ)ύ(λαι) ζ
5 (ἔτους) λζ Θῶυθ κα κατ(έβαλεν) χαλκοῦ τριακο-σίας ἑβδομήκον-τα πέντε
(γίνονται) τοε
(None extracted)
Of the actor of the ( ) Ptoaxis, greetings. I have from you oil (of) the ( ) (they are) (offerings) (they are) (offerings)
5 (years) ( ) Thoth and (he) cast down bronze of three hundred seventy-five
(they are) ( )