κ̣αὶ το̣ῖ̣ς̣ [σ]ὺν αὐ̣[τ]ῷ
ἀναγραφὴ [βι]β̣λίων ω̣
τῆς τ̣ά̣ξεως̣ το[ῦ
ἔτους Αὐτοκράτορος Καίσαρος Τραιανοῦ]
Ἁδριανοῦ τῆς π̣ρ̣ο̣κ̣[ι]μ̣έ̣ν[ης κώμης
ἔ̣σ̣τ̣ι̣ δ̣έ̣·
σπόρος κατʼ ἄνδρα διοι[κήσεως
οὐσιακῶν ὁμοίω̣ς̣
σπόρος ἐν κεφαλ̣(αίῳ) δ̣[ι]οι̣κ̣[ήσεως
οὐσιακῶν ὁμοίως
διατ̣αγὴ σπόρου̣ [δ]ι̣[οικήσεως
οὐσιακῶν ὁμοίως
μερισμὸς σπερμ(άτων) δι[οικήσεως
οὐσιακῶν ὁμοίως
ἀπαιτ(ήσιμον) κατʼ ἄνδ(ρα) δένδρω̣[ν
λαογραφία κατʼ ἄνδρα̣
λαογρα̣φία ἐν̣ κεφα̣λ̣[αίῳ
γραφὴ ὑπολόγου
λόγος κατʼ [ἄ]νδ(ρα) ἐπισπ(ουδασμοῦ) φο̣[ρέτρων
(No Latin text was extracted from the document.)
And to those who are with him
of the books
the lot
of good fortune
the record of the books of you
of the order of the year of the Emperor Caesar Trajan
Hadrian of the chosen village
It is indeed:
seed according to man of administration
of substantial matters similarly
seed in the head of administration
of substantial matters similarly
the arrangement of seed of administration
of substantial matters similarly
the distribution of seeds of administration
of substantial matters similarly
required according to man of trees
ethnography according to man
ethnography in the head
writing of the account
word according to man of the study of the bearers
to you