ὡς (ἐτῶν) μ, κλαστός, ἀναφάλανθος, ἔ̣ν̣[σιμος (?) Ἑρ̣ι̣εὺς̣ Σ[Ἡ]ρ̣ακλεοπολίτης βασιλικὸς̣ ἄμισθος. [μαρτυρεῖ Περιγέ]νε̣ι τῶι καθισ̣τ̣αμένωι ἐφʼ Ἑρμο[στρατηγὸν πρὸς Π̣ρον καὶ Κρ̣καὶ Κ[λεόξενον καὶ Λ]ῶ[τον] καὶ Τήλεφον καὶ Πᾶιν κα[ὶ οἰκῶ] ἐν [κώμηι] μ̣μ̣[ορ τοῦ Ἡρακλεοπολίτου. τ̣[οῦ δὲ ἔτους,] μη̣[νὸς ἑπτακαιδεκάτηι, ἀκούσας θορύβου [πολλοῦ καὶ] κ[ραυγῆ]ς̣ π̣ρ̣ὸς τῶ[ι] Π̣ε̣ρ̣ι̣γένου ὧι μαρτυρῶ σταθμῶι, [ὅς ἐστιν] (*) ἐν [τῆ]ι̣ [π]ρ̣οει̣ρημένηι κ̣ώμηι, παρεγενήθην μετʼ ἄλλων [ἐπὶ τὸν] δ[ιασ]α̣φ̣[ο]ύ̣μενο̣ν̣ [σ]ταθμὸν καὶ κατέλαβον καθʼ ὧν μα[ρτυρῶ,] τ[ινὰς] μὲν αὐτ[ῶν] ἔχοντας ξύλα, τινὰς δὲ λίθο[υ]ς, κα[ὶ τ̣α̣[ς] πρὸς τῶι τοῦ Περιγένου χορτοβολῶνι, ὅς ἐ̣[σ]τ̣ι̣ν [ἐν τῶι] προειρημένωι σταθμῶι, καὶ διακωλύοντας τοὺς̣ τοῦ [Π]εριγέν̣[ου] μισθίους Θεόδωρον καὶ Δημήτριον καὶ Πετοσῖριν [σ]υ̣ν̣τιθέ- ναι ἐν τῶι χορτοβολῶνι χόρτον, οὓς καὶ τύπτοντες καὶ λιθά- ζοντες ἐξέβαλλον ἐκ τοῦ χορτοβολῶνος. ἀγανακ[τ]οῦντος δὲ κἀμοῦ καὶ τῶν ἄλλων̣ τῶν παρόντων ἐπὶ τῶι μετ[ὰ] β̣ίας καὶ πρὸ κρίσεως τοιαῦτα συντελεῖσθαι αὐτοὺς κα[ὶ] τοῦ Περιγένου οὐκ ἐπιτρέψαντος αὐτοῖς βιάζεσθαι Κλεόξενος καὶ Λῶτ̣ος κ[αθʼ] ὧν μα[ρτυ]ρῶ ἀναδραμόντες ἐπὶ τὸν Σεμφθέως πύργον, ὃς τ[υγχ]άνει γειτνιῶ[ν] τῶι χορτοβολῶνι, ὕ̣στερ̣ον δὲ \μετελθόντες ἐπὶ τὸν ἑαυ[τῶ]ν ἐλίθαζον/ τοὺς περὶ τὸν Περιγένην, ὥ̣[στε] καὶ ἕνα τῶν πα[ρόντ]ων ἱππ[έω]ν Ζηνόδωρον π̣[λη]γῆν[α]ι λίθ[ωι εἰς τὸ]ν ἀστράγαλ̣[ον. ο]ἱ̣ δʼ αὐ̣[τ]ο̣ὶ οἷς [α̣ν ξύ̣λ̣ο̣ι̣ς̣ [τοῦ Π]εριγένου κα̣ὶ̣ τῶν παρʼ αὐτοῦ ειαπ̣ρ̣[εβληντο εχ[ς̣ ἱμάτια. κατακ[ρα]τηθέντων δʼ [αὐτῶν καὶ τοῦ χόρτο]υ̣ συντιθεμένου ὑπὸ τῶ[ν π]αρὰ τοῦ Περ[ιγένου -8-9-]ενος εις αυτ[ειπιλη] [Π]εριγέν ̣ [μ̣εν ἡμέρας συν[θή]σ̣ειν τὸν χό[ρτον -3-4-]τ̣ος δ [σ̣εσθαι αὐτὸν καὶ̣ τ̣ \τα[ -ca.?- ](?)/ [χ]ορτο- βολῶ[ν- τε [ - ca.10 -]σεσθαι τα̣ [καὶ] τοῦ Περιγέν[ο]υ ἐπ̣ιμ[αρτυραμένου] Κρέοντί τε τ[ῶι] ἐπ[ιστ]άτηι παρόντι κἀμο̣ὶ̣ καὶ [τοῖς ἄλλοις τοῖ]ς̣ παροῦσι οὕτω[ς ἀ]νελύ- σαμεν. τῆι δὲ νυ[κτὶ τῆι φερο]ύσηι εἰς τὴν ὀκτωκαιδε- κάτην συνέβη [ - ca.17 -]ο̣ν ἐμπυρισθῆναι. τῆι δὲ τρίτηι κα[ὶ εἰκάδι τοῦ αὐτ]οῦ μη[ν]ὸ̣ς̣ ἐπήγαγον ἐμέ τε καὶ ἄλλους οἱ πα̣[ρὰ τοῦ Περιγέν]ου ἐπὶ τὸν χορτοβ̣ολῶνα καὶ ἐπέδειξαν̣ [ -8-10-] αὐτοῦ τὸν ἀπὸ ἀπηλιώτου τοῖχον σὺν̣ τῶι θυρίωι, διʼ οὗ τὴν εἴσ- [ο]δ̣ο̣ν ἐπο[ιοῦν-] [το] τὰ τοῦ̣ [Περι-]γένου π̣[ρό-] β̣ατα.
(No Latin text was found in the provided document.)
As (of years) m, broken, unbroken, [possibly] of a certain kind, Herius, the king of Heracleopolis, unpaid. [It testifies to Perigenes] to the one who is seated at the Hermo [general against P]ron and K[leoxenos and L]oton and Telephon and Pain, living in [the village] of the Heracleopolitan. In the year, of the month of the seventeenth, having heard a great noise and shouts towards the Perigenes, to whom I testify at the station, [who is] (*) in the aforementioned village, I came with others [to the] station that was being established and I found, according to what I testify, some of them holding wood, others stones, and [the] ones towards the Perigenes' hayfield, who is [in the] aforementioned station, and preventing the [hired] men of Perigenes, Theodoros and Demetrios and Petosiris, from putting hay in the hayfield, which they were both striking and throwing out of the hayfield. But as I and the others present were indignant at the violence and the judgment that such things were being done to them and Perigenes not allowing them to be forced, Kleoxenos and Lot[os] according to what I testify, having run to the Semphteos tower, which happens to be adjacent to the hayfield, later having returned to their own, they were throwing stones at those around Perigenes, so that even one of the present horsemen, Zenodoros, was struck by a stone on the ankle. They themselves, to whom [they were] with wood [of Perigenes and those with him] were thrown into the garments. When they were captured and the hay was being put together by those from Perigenes, [they were] into the [hayfield] for [the] days to be arranged for the hay [to be] made and [to be] of Perigenes, testifying to Creon and the present overseer, I and the others present thus we released. On the night that was carrying into the eighteenth, it happened [that] it was burned. On the third and twentieth of the same month, those from Perigenes brought me and others to the hayfield and showed [it] to me from the sunlit wall with the window, through which they were making the entrance to the [things of Perigenes].