Εν γαδων Κυρίου Κ[αίσαρος κώμης] χαίρειν. Αλλασ[ ] ξυλίας ἧς ἐξαλ[ ] τα λύω καὶ κ.[ ] ατιας λεγο[ ] τὴν δὲ ἡμε[ ]
[. ν]ώ̣νων Μαίω[ν — (hand 2) ] [ ]ων συνα.ες.[ ] [δην]ά̣ρια τριακόντ̣[α]
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In the land of the Lord Caesar, greetings. But [ ] of the wood which [ ] I release and [ ] of the [ ] I say [ ] and the day [ ]
[. of the] [ ] of the Maians — (hand 2) [ ] of the [ ] [denarii] thirty