Πέ̣κυσι<ς> Στοτοήτιος ἱερε[ὺ]ς Σοκνο[παίου] τῶν ἀπὸ κώμης Σοκνοπαίου Νή[σου] τοῦ Ἀρσινοε̣ίτο̣υ̣ νομοῦ γ̣[ρά]φει εἰς τ̣[ -2-4-] τὴν μικρὰν το̣ῖς κεντηταῖς τῶν φράτ[ων] (*). ἐπὶ (*) ὁ προ̣γ̣ε̣[γραμ]μένος Πέ̣κ̣υσις̣ ἔ̣[χει(?)] ἐ̣λ̣α̣ι̣ῶνα̣ ἐ̣ν κατοικ[ι]κῇ [τά]ξει [τοῦ ὄν-] τος περὶ Βουβάστου (*) οτε φ̣ράθ̣ο̣ν̣ (*) [τῶν(?)] οἰκωδομημένων (*) ⟦τ̣⟧ὀπ̣τοῖς̣ π̣λ[ίν-] θο̣ι̣ς̣ β̣ά̣θος \χαμὲ (*) / π̣ηχῶν δεκ[α]π̣έ̣[ν]τ̣ε̣ [καὶ] 10 πλάτος στρονγύλ[ο]ν (*) π̣η̣χ̣ῶ̣ν [ -2-4-] ἔστιν, τὸ ὕδωρ τὸ ἐξερχόμενον̣ [ἐκ] τοῦ φράτ[ος] (*) ἐ̣ν δυσὶ ἡμ̣έρα̣ι̣[ς -2-4-] π ̣ ̣ [ ̣ ̣ ̣ ̣ ̣ ̣ ̣ ]να[ ̣ ̣ ]ομ[ ̣ ] ̣ [ -5-7-] μέσωι τοῦ φράτος (*) ἄλλον φράτο[ν] (*) 15 μικρὸν ἕνα οἰκωδομη̣μέ̣νω[ν] (*) [φρά-] τ̣ω̣ν̣ (*) ὀπ̣τοῖ[ς] πλίνθοις̣ ἐν̣ τ̣ω̣ι̣ [ -2-4-] βάθος χ[α]μ̣ὲ (*) πη̣[χ]ῶ̣[ν ἑ]π̣τ̣[ὰ καὶ] πλάτος [σ]τρον̣[γύ]λ̣ο̣ν (*) π̣[η]χῶ̣[ν -2-4-] ὤν καὶ ο̣[ ̣ ̣ ̣ ̣ ]ρο̣ν̣ ἐν τῷ φρά[τι] (*) [ -2-4-] α ̣ ο ̣ ̣ [ ̣ ̣ ̣ ̣ ]αε ̣ [.] ̣ μ̣[ ̣ ̣ ]α ̣ [ -3-5-] μοθὸν (*) πλαστ̣αί. ἐὰν οὖν δ̣[ύνησθε(?)] ἀνασπᾶ̣[σ]θαι ὕδωρ ἐ̣κ τοῦ αὐτ̣[οῦ] φ̣ρ̣ά̣τ̣ο̣ς (*) , γ̣ρ̣[ά]ψ̣ασθέ (*) μοι τὴν ἀντ̣ι̣[φώ-] [νη]σ̣ιν [ - ca.16 - ] ̣ ̣ ̣ ̣ [ ̣ ̣ ]
(No Latin text was extracted from the document.)
"Pekysis Stotoetios, priest of Soknopaiou, from the village of Soknopaiou, writes concerning the law of Arsinoe into the small (document) for the engravers of the dikes. The aforementioned Pekysis has an olive grove in the residential area of the being concerning Bubastis. The dike of the constructed houses is of a depth of ten cubits and a width of round cubits. The water that flows out of the dike is in two days. In the middle of the dike, there is another small dike of one constructed house. The dike is of a depth of seven cubits and a width of round cubits. If you are able to draw water from the same dike, write to me the response."