χαίροις, Ἀφῦ μου, παρὰ Σωιρίδος. γινώσκιν σε θέλω περὶ τῶν κεραμίδων ὧν ἔγραψές μοι, Παρδαλᾶς [οὐ-] χ εὑρέθη τ[̣ ̣ ]ω[̣ ̣ ]ρ̣ια[ -ca.?- ] (?) λέγι ἢ ωσε[ - ca.10 - ] χαν ἢ ἀπῆ[λθον· τὰς ̣ ̣ ̣ ̣ ] δαπάν[ας] π[ρὸς σ]ὲ ἀ[νέπεμ-] πόν ποθεν δ[̣ ]θηνι ̣ [̣ ̣ ] λαγη· πέμπο τ̣[ ̣ ̣ ̣ ̣ ̣ ̣ ] [πρὸς] σὲ ̣ [ - ca.9 - ]
^1. BL 2.2.76 : Ἀφυμοῦ prev. ed.
^1-2. l. Σοη |ρίδος
^2. l. γινώσκειν
^5. BL 1.197 : ε̣ὗρε θ̣ῆ̣τ[ας] ὧ[ν χ]ρ̣ία (l. χρεία) [ἦν·] prev. ed.
^6. l. λέγει
^10. l. πέμπω
Greetings, my Aphu, from Soiridos. I know that I want you regarding the tiles which you wrote to me, Pardalas [not-] was found [in need of] (?). Say either that I have gone or that I have departed; the expenses [to you] I have sent from where [they were] given; I will send [to] you.