Ν]έρουα χρόνων
τοῦ ἐνιαυτοῦ ὑπέγραψεν
τοῦ ἐνιαυτοῦ ἀγο[μέν]ου δὲ καὶ ἐ[τ]ησ[ί]ου εἰ[ς πλ]ή̣ρωσιν τ[ῆ]ς̣ πεν̣[τα]ετίας· ὁ αὐ[τὸς] Π̣[λ]ά̣ντα[ς ὑπ]έγραψεν
καὶ [Πετρ]ώ̣νιος Σεκ[οῦ]νδος ἐ[πὶ τοῦ] αὐτοῦ Ἀφρ[ο]διτο- πολ̣[ίτου] ἐν τοῖς τοῦ (ἔτους) Δο[μιτι]α̣νοῦ· ὑποδειχθέντος [ἐπίθ]εμα δεδό̣σθ[α]ι κατὰ [δημ]οσίων ἐδ̣αφῶ̣ν̣
ἐπὶ ἔτη δύ[ο] καὶ τὸ τ̣[ ἐ]π̣ὶ τὸ ἔ̣δ̣α̣φος ὑπ[ - ca.9 - ]νον [ο]ὗ ὁ χρό̣[νος (ἐτῶν) ἐπ[λ]ηροῦτο
ἐν το[ῖ]ς τ[ ] τεῖσ̣θω[
καὶ ἑκασ̣[τ αὐτ[ο]ῦ [
καὶ Μ̣[έτ]τι[ο]ς Ῥο̣[ῦ]φ̣[ο]ς ἐπὶ Μαρ̣ε̣ώτ̣ου [ἐ]ν [τ]οῖς τοῦ (ἔτους)· ἀχ[θέν]τ[ο]ς τ[ὸ]ν̣ [στ]ρατηγὸν γεγρ[α]φένα̣ι Σεπτιμί̣ω̣ι Οὐεγ[έ]τω[ι] Φλῶ̣ρόν τινα ἐπιτεθεικέναι τῶ̣ν̣ ἐπ[ιπέ]δων ἐπ̣[ὶ] χρόνῳ ὄντι εἰς π[λ]ήρ̣ω̣σ̣ιν (δραχμὰς) φ̣ σὺν [π]ροσδιαγρα[φ]ομένοις ἐφʼ
ἔτη δ καὶ μηδ̣[ὲ]ν̣ ἀντ̣[ι]γ̣εγ̣ρ̣[ά]φθα[ι]
Μέττιος Ῥ[ο]ῦφος ὑπέγ̣ραψεν· ε̣[ἰ] μ̣ὲν̣ χρόνος ἐστίν, ἀπολύω. ὁ δὲ τὸ μεμι- σθω[μένον ἄ]λ̣λῳ καὶ ἔτι ε̣
μ̣ετʼ ἐπι- θέμ[ατος δ̣έξα̣σ̣θ̣αι βο̣[ ]σαι τεσ- σα̣[ρ ]ντο ἐπιθ[εμα
(ἔτους) Δο[μιτι]α̣νοῦ
"Of the years of N[ ]: a year of the year he signed, of the year being bought and of the year for the fulfillment of the five-year period; the same P[ ] signed. And Petronius Secundus, on the same Aphrodite city, in the year of Domitian; the subject indicated to be given according to public lands for two years and the [ ] on the land where the time (of years) was fulfilled. In those [ ] let it be established, and each of them [ ] and Mettius Rufus on Mareotou in the year; having been brought to the general, it is written to Septimius Uegentus that some Floron has been added to the territories being in time for the fulfillment (of drachmas) with the specified [ ] for [ ] years and nothing has been written against. Mettius Rufus signed; if the time is, I release. But he who has the [ ] shall receive [ ] and still [ ] after the addition of the [ ].