ἔτους τεσσαρεσκαιδεκάτου Τιβε̣ρί̣ο̣υ Κα[ίσ]αρος [Σ]εβαστοῦ μηνὸς Λώιου
ἕκτηι καὶ εἰκάδει
Φαῶφι ἕκτηι καὶ εἰκάδει
ἐν Τεβτύνι
τῆς Πολέμωνος
μερίδος τοῦ Ἀρσινοείτου
νομοῦ. ἐμίσθωσεν Αὐνῆς Ἀφροδισίου ὡς ἐτῶν πεντήκοντα πέντε οὐλὴ μ[ε]τώπωι ἐπʼ ἀριστερῶν Ἱππά-
λωι Ἡρακλήους ἀπὸ Θε[ο]γονίδο(ς) γεωργῶι Πέρσηι̣ τῆς ἐπιγονῆς̣ ὡς ἐτῶν ἑξήκοντα τριῶν οὐλὴ γόνατι δεξιῶι τὸν ὑπάρχοντα τῶι
Αὐνῆτι περὶ Θεογο(νίδα) τῆς Πολέμωνος μερίδος κλῆρον κατοικὸν
ἀρούρας πέντε ἢ ὁσων
ἐὰν ὦσιν ἐν μιᾷ σφραγείδει
ἐν τῶι Δισειερωι λεγομέ-
νωι εἰς ἔτηι
τρία ἀπὸ τοῦ ἐνεστῶτος τεσσαρεσ̣καιδεκάτου ἔτους
Τιβερίου Καίσαρος Σεβαστοῦ, τοῦ μὲν πρώτου καὶ ἐσχάτου ἔτους εἰς πυροῦ
σπορὰν <ἐκφορίου> τοῦ παντὸς καθʼ ἔτος σὺν σπέρμασι αἷς̣ λήμψεται ὁ Ἵππα-
λ[ος] παρὰ τοῦ Αὐνήους πυροῦ ἀρτάβας πέντε τοῦ παντὸς πυροῦ
ἀρταβ̣ῶ̣[ν ἑ]ξήκοντα
ρι[ ]
ἔτους εἰς χόρτου [σ]π̣[ο]ρὰν̣ ὡς̣ τῶν τοῦ̣ Αὐνή[ο]υς, τ̣οῦ Αὐνή[ους]
σπέρματα, τοῦ δὲ Ἱππάλο[υ τους] π̣ο̣τ̣ι̣σμοὺς κ[αὶ]
χωματισμοὺς καὶ τὴν ἐπιμ̣[έλ]ι̣αν
τῶν χλωρῶν ποιουμένο̣[υ]
τὰ δὲ ἐκφόρια [ἀπ]οδ̣ώτω ὁ μεμισθωμένος τῶι [Α]ὐνήτ̣ι καθʼ ἔτος α̣
ἐν μηνὶ Παῦνι καθε̣σταμένας εἰς
τ̣ο̣ῦ̣ Ἱππάλου
τὰ φόλετ̣ρα
μέ̣τρωι ἑξαχοινίκωι θησαυροῦ π
τοῦ ἐν Θεογον[ι]δος
τὰ δὲ ἐκφ[ό]ρια μετρήσι
καθʼ ἔτος κοινος μετρη[ ]
εὐαρεστοῦντα. τὰ δέ ἔργα πάντα τοῦ κλ̣ήρου καὶ τοὺς καθήκοντας χ̣ωμ̣[α-]
τισμοὺς καὶ ποτισμοὺς καὶ βοτανισμοὺς ῤγασά̣τωι
ὁ μ[ε]μισθωμ[έ-]
νο̣ς̣ καθʼ ἔτος [τοῖς] δέουσι καιρ̣[οῖ]ς̣, βλ[ά]βος̣ μηδ̣[ὲν] π̣οιού̣μ[ενο]ς̣ καὶ
μετ̣[ὰ τὸν]
χρόνον παραδώσι
ὁ μεμισθωμέν[ο]ς τ[ὸν κλῆ]ρ[ο]ν καθα̣[ρὸ]ν ἀπὸ θρ[ύ]ου ἀ̣[γρ-]
ώστεως πάσης δ
τον̣ δε
υγ̣ρ̣[ ]
τῶι Αὐνῆτι ἢ τοῖς π[αρʼ α]ὐ[τ]οῦ [ἔ]κ τε τοῦ μ[ε]μ[ι]σθωμέν[ο]υ
καὶ ἐκ τῶν ὑπαρχόντων αὐ[τ]ῶι̣ πάντων καθάπερ [ἐ]κ δ̣[ί]κης καὶ βεβαιοῖ
ὁ Αὐνῆς καθʼ ἔτος τὴν μίσθ[ωσ]ιν ἀπ̣[ὸ] δημο̣σ̣ίων [ ]
καὶ παντὸς ἴδους.
ὑπογραφεὺς τοῦ Ἱππάλ[ο]υ [ ]
κ̣του ὡ̣ς̣ ἐτῶν
τριάκοντα δύο οὐλὴ μετώιπῳ μέ̣σ̣[ῳ (hand 2)
Α̣ὐ̣νῆς Ἀφρο-
δισίου μεμίσθο̣κα
καὶ βεβαιώσ̣ω τὴν μ̣-
ίσθωσιν καιθὸ̣ς
πρόκιται (hand 3) Ἵππαλος Ἡρακλ[ή-]
ωι Πέρσης [τῆ]ς ἐπιγονῆς μεμίσθωμ̣αι π̣αρὰ Αὐ[νήου]ς̣ το[ῦ]
Ἀφροδισ[ί]ου ἐ̣πὶ πᾶσι το[ῖς] προκειμ[ένο]ι̣ς κ̣α̣ὶ̣ [βεβαιῶ]
καθὼς πρόκειται. ἔγραψε̣ν πε[ ]
διὰ τὸ μὴ [ἰ]δ[έναι]
[αὐ]τὸν γράμ[ματα]
Τι]βερί[ου Καί]σαρος Σεβαστοῦ Φαῶφι [κϛ]
(No Latin text was extracted from the document.)
In the fourteenth year of Tiberius Caesar Augustus, in the month of Loios, on the sixth and twentieth day, in Tebtunis of the province of Arsinoites, it was leased by Aunes of Aphrodisius for a period of fifty-five years, with a plot of land of five arouras or however many there may be, if they exist, in one seal in the so-called Disaieroi for three years from the present fourteenth year of Tiberius Caesar Augustus, the first and last year for the sowing of wheat, the whole amount annually with the seeds which the Hipparch will receive from Aunes' wheat, five artabas of the whole wheat of sixty artabas, for the second year for the sowing of grass as of those of Aunes, Aunes himself providing the seeds, and for the Hipparch the watering and the fertilization of the greens, and the outputs shall be given by the lessee to Aunes annually in the month of Pauni, established in the Hipparch's provision of the outputs measured annually, common measuring. And all the works of the plot and the necessary watering and fertilizing shall be done by the lessee at the proper times, with no damage done, and after the time he shall deliver the plot clean from all weeds, so that the lessee shall be responsible for the actions to Aunes or to those who are with him, both from the lessee and from all that belongs to him, just as it is from justice and guarantees. Aunes shall annually receive the rent from the public revenues and from all kinds. Signed by the Hipparch as of thirty-two years, with a lease from Aunes of Aphrodisius, and I shall confirm the lease as it is stated. Hipparch Heracles of the descendants of Persis is leased from Aunes of Aphrodisius for all the things stated and confirmed as it is stated. He wrote because he did not know the letters of the year of Tiberius Caesar Augustus.