ἄφνω τὸ γε[α]ρ̣[τὸν μὲν φοινικ(ῶνα) ἔδει καὶ πάνυ πεποτίσθαι· τὴν χερσοκο(πίαν) τοῦ Σισόιτος εἰ συμφέρει, ποτίσατε καθόλου. σύ, βλέπων τὰ ἐδάφη̣, περὶ ἁπάντ(ων) τὰ ἄριστα βουλεύου ὡς οὐκ ἐκπεσούμεθα καὶ σύ ἐξέχου τοῦ φοινι(κῶνος) ἕως συνκαλῇς τοῦτον τῶι ποτισ(μῶι) ἵνα καὶ ⟦περὶ⟧ τῆι̣ Ἀναα ἐν ἄρ(ακι) σπείρητε.
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Suddenly, the [land] of the [Phoenician] must be thoroughly watered; the [cultivation] of Sisoites, if it is beneficial, you should water it completely. You, looking at the lands, deliberate about all the best things so that we do not fall short, and you excel in the [Phoenician] until you gather this [land] for watering, so that you may also [consider] the [Anah] in the [seedling].