ὁμολογεῖ Δίδυμος Λυσιμάχο̣υ
Πέρσης τῆς ἐπιγον[ῆς
παρὰ Διδύμου νεω[τέρου
ἐν παραθήκῃ ἀργ[υρίου
[Σεβαστοῦ] νομίσματος κεφα[λαίου
ὀγδοήκοντα τέσσαρ[ας
ἃς ἀποδώ]σω σοι τῷ Διδύμου νε[ωτερ
κατὰ] τὴν τῶν παραθηκῶ[ν
τῆς πράξεως οὔση[ς
(No Latin text was found in the document.)
"Dydimus, son of Lysimachus, acknowledges
a Persian of the lineage
from Dydimus the younger
in the deposit of silver
of the coinage of Augustus
which I will give to you, to Dydimus the younger
according to the deposits
of the action being..."