
Canonical URI: http://papyri.info/ddbdp/p.ital;1;21

Translation (Model: gpt-4o-mini, Batch ID: 2)

Extracted Text

Koine Greek

1a [imp(erantibus) d(ominis) n(ostris) p(er)p(etuis) Augustis Heraclio anno XV et p(ost) c(onsulatum) eiusdem anno XIV atque Heraclio novo Constantino filio ipsius anno XIII, sub d(ie) Iụṇ[ii, ind(ictione) XIII], Ravennạẹ. [imp(erantibus) d(ominis) n(ostris) p(er)p(etuis) Aug(ustis) Heraclio anno quintodecimo et p(ost) c(onsulatum) eiusdem anno qụạṛṭọdecimo atque Heraclio novo Constantino filio ipsius anno tertiodecimo, sub d(ie) s Iuniị, ind(ictione) tertiadecima, Ravennae, [ - ca.75 - ] Rav(ennatis), dix̣[i]t: [Don]us v(ir) s(pectabilis), notariụ[s] et [scrin]ẹarius s(an)c(t)ae Ravennatis eccl(esiae) prae foribus est, petet te ingredi, quid iubetis [ - ca.75 - ] quaṛe ingredi p̣[ostu(?)]ḷasti Donus v(ir) s(pectabilis), notarius ẹṭ scri[n]ẹarius dixit: notum facio lau(dabilitati) v(estrae), Deusdedit v(irum) r(e)v(erendum), subdiaconum s(an)c(t)ae ecc[l(esiae)] [ - ca.65 - ] sex unciarum principalium in integrịṭạṭ[e] ṭotius substantiae suae mobile et immobile seseque moventibus excepto omnes manci- [ - ca.60 - ] pios hor]ticellum in integro positum iuxta domụm eius, sed et pistrino atque duo hospitia intra se cum curticla sua, in s(an)c(t)a Ravennate [ - ca.65 - ] quaeso l(audabilitatem) v(estram), optimi mag(istratus), uti eadem a m[e s]ụscepi, relegi actisque indi praesentibus iube[ati]ṣ, deinde ab eodem deusdede v(iro) r(e)v(erendo), subd[i-]acono [ - ca.65 - ] factam esse cognoscit, et ipse in ead[em] manu propria suscribsit, et tam tabẹllio[nem] quam testes, qui hic suṣcribse[runt] [ - ca.70 - ] donationis, quam Donus v(ir) s(pectabilis), notariuṣ e[t s]c̣ṛ[i]nearius s(an)c(t)ae Rav(ennatis) eccl(esiae) offert, susc[epta le]ctionị vulgịtur, et gesti[s] p̣[raesentibus] [ - ca.60 - ] imp(erantibus) d(ominis) n(ostris)] p̣(er)p(etuis) Augg(ustis) Heraclio anno quintodecim[o] ẹ[t] p̣(ost) c(onsulatum) eiusdem anno quạṛ[to]deciṃo atque Hera[clio n]ovo Constantino filio ipsius an[no] [ - ca.50 - ] [tertiodecimo, sub d(ie) Ṛavennatis, in qua Deo pṛọtịgente d(ominus) ṇ[ , v(ir)] ḅ(eatissimus) atque apostolicus Iohannis tertio Iuniọ[r ar]c̣hiepiscopus pont[i]f[i]c[atum [ - ca.9 - ] [ - ca.75 - ] ṃag(istro) mil(itum) et Melissae iu[ga]ḷ[ibus, praesen]ti praesenṣ. sanctarum scribturạṛ[um] nos r[atio praemonet illa semper] disponere, [ - ca.75 - ] evangelicam in me sub[sequi] lectị[one]ṃ, ut in hoc seculo centuplum et in futuro aeternae vitae esse participẹ[m [ - ca.75 - ] Melis]sae iugalibus, prono ạ[nimo et] ṣpoṇtanea voluntate, nullo c[o]gente nequ[e c]onpellente [ - ca.65 - ] sed meae propriae d[elibe-] rationis [arbitrio us iure directo traṇ[scribo, cedo, trado] et mancipo, pro oblatione et remediọ anime meạe, id est sex uncias pric̣ịp̣[ales] [ - ca.15 - ] [totius substantiae meae mobile et immobile seseque moventibus excepto omnes mancipios] quibuslibet locis [vel terris con]stitu[to]s, nec non et de omni supellec[ti]le ex qualibet linea vel titulo mihi [ - ca.70 - ] in integro, qui est con[stitutus su]ḅ pọrta s(an)c(t)i apolenari[s] [et ante a]rco s(an)c(t)i Georgii, se[d] et fundum, cui vocabulum est Carpania- [num [ - ca.70 - ] in] ịṇtegro cum ingressu [et egressu, qui est p]ọsitụs iuxta domum meam, sed e[t p]istriṇọ aṭ[que] ḍ[uo] hospitia intra se cu[m] [ - ca.70 - ] horticello in integṛọ [ - ca.17 - ] ṃṭụ[ [ - ca.75 - ] per cha[rtu]l(am) libeṛṭ[a]tis donavi [S]ecundo [familiari m]eọ, de quas vero s(upra)s(crip)- [tas]


1a [imp(erantibus) d(ominis) n(ostris) p(er)p(etuis) Augustis Heraclio anno XV et p(ost) c(onsulatum) eiusdem anno XIV atque Heraclio novo Constantino filio ipsius anno XIII, sub d(ie) Iụṇ[ii, ind(ictione) XIII], Ravennạẹ. [imp(erantibus) d(ominis) n(ostris) p(er)p(etuis) Aug(ustis) Heraclio anno quintodecimo et p(ost) c(onsulatum) eiusdem anno qụạṛṭọdecimo atque Heraclio novo Constantino filio ipsius anno tertiodecimo, sub d(ie) s Iuniị, ind(ictione) tertiadecima, Ravennae, [ - ca.75 - ] Rav(ennatis), dix̣[i]t: [Don]us v(ir) s(pectabilis), notariụ[s] et [scrin]ẹarius s(an)c(t)ae Ravennatis eccl(esiae) prae foribus est, petet te ingredi, quid iubetis [ - ca.75 - ] quaṛe ingredi p̣[ostu(?)]ḷasti Donus v(ir) s(pectabilis), notarius ẹṭ scri[n]ẹarius dixit: notum facio lau(dabilitati) v(estrae), Deusdedit v(irum) r(e)v(erendum), subdiaconum s(an)c(t)ae ecc[l(esiae)] [ - ca.65 - ] sex unciarum principalium in integrịṭạṭ[e] ṭotius substantiae suae mobile et immobile seseque moventibus excepto omnes manci- [ - ca.60 - ] pios hor]ticellum in integro positum iuxta domụm eius, sed et pistrino atque duo hospitia intra se cum curticla sua, in s(an)c(t)a Ravennate [ - ca.65 - ] quaeso l(audabilitatem) v(estram), optimi mag(istratus), uti eadem a m[e s]ụscepi, relegi actisque indi praesentibus iube[ati]ṣ, deinde ab eodem deusdede v(iro) r(e)v(erendo), subd[i-]acono [ - ca.65 - ] factam esse cognoscit, et ipse in ead[em] manu propria suscribsit, et tam tabẹllio[nem] quam testes, qui hic suṣcribse[runt] [ - ca.70 - ] donationis, quam Donus v(ir) s(pectabilis), notariuṣ e[t s]c̣ṛ[i]nearius s(an)c(t)ae Rav(ennatis) eccl(esiae) offert, susc[epta le]ctionị vulgịtur, et gesti[s] p̣[raesentibus] [ - ca.60 - ] imp(erantibus) d(ominis) n(ostris)] p̣(er)p(etuis) Augg(ustis) Heraclio anno quintodecim[o] ẹ[t] p̣(ost) c(onsulatum) eiusdem anno quạṛ[to]deciṃo atque Hera[clio n]ovo Constantino filio ipsius an[no] [ - ca.50 - ] [tertiodecimo, sub d(ie) Ṛavennatis, in qua Deo pṛọtịgente d(ominus) ṇ[ , v(ir)] ḅ(eatissimus) atque apostolicus Iohannis tertio Iuniọ[r ar]c̣hiepiscopus pont[i]f[i]c[atum [ - ca.9 - ] [ - ca.75 - ] ṃag(istro) mil(itum) et Melissae iu[ga]ḷ[ibus, praesen]ti praesenṣ. sanctarum scribturạṛ[um] nos r[atio praemonet illa semper] disponere, [ - ca.75 - ] evangelicam in me sub[sequi] lectị[one]ṃ, ut in hoc seculo centuplum et in futuro aeternae vitae esse participẹ[m [ - ca.75 - ] Melis]sae iugalibus, prono ạ[nimo et] ṣpoṇtanea voluntate, nullo c[o]gente nequ[e c]onpellente [ - ca.65 - ] sed meae propriae d[elibe-] rationis [arbitrio us iure directo traṇ[scribo, cedo, trado] et mancipo, pro oblatione et remediọ anime meạe, id est sex uncias pric̣ịp̣[ales] [ - ca.15 - ] [totius substantiae meae mobile et immobile seseque moventibus excepto omnes mancipios] quibuslibet locis [vel terris con]stitu[to]s, nec non et de omni supellec[ti]le ex qualibet linea vel titulo mihi [ - ca.70 - ] in integro, qui est con[stitutus su]ḅ pọrta s(an)c(t)i apolenari[s] [et ante a]rco s(an)c(t)i Georgii, se[d] et fundum, cui vocabulum est Carpania- [num [ - ca.70 - ] in] ịṇtegro cum ingressu [et egressu, qui est p]ọsitụs iuxta domum meam, sed e[t p]istriṇọ aṭ[que] ḍ[uo] hospitia intra se cu[m] [ - ca.70 - ] horticello in integṛọ [ - ca.17 - ] ṃṭụ[ [ - ca.75 - ] per cha[rtu]l(am) libeṛṭ[a]tis donavi [S]ecundo [familiari m]eọ, de quas vero s(upra)s(crip)- [tas]


1a [While our lords, the perpetual Augusts, Heraclius in the fifteenth year and after the consulship of the same in the fourteenth year, and Heraclius the new Constantine, his son, in the thirteenth year, on the day of June, in the thirteenth indiction, in Ravenna. [While our lords, the perpetual Augusts, Heraclius in the fifteenth year and after the consulship of the same in the fourteenth year, and Heraclius the new Constantine, his son, in the thirteenth year, on the day of June, in the thirteenth indiction, in Ravenna. [ - ca.75 - ] The Ravenna said: [Donus], a man of respect, a notary and a scriniarius of the holy church of Ravenna, is at the doors, he will ask you to enter, what do you command? [ - ca.75 - ] Therefore, you have asked to enter. Donus, a man of respect, a notary and a scriniarius said: I make known to your laudability, Deusdedit, a reverend man, a subdeacon of the holy church. [ - ca.65 - ] Six principal ounces in the integrity of all his mobile and immobile substance, except for all the mancipia, [ - ca.60 - ] the horticellum placed in full next to his house, but also the bakery and two inns within it with their curticla, in the holy church of Ravenna. [ - ca.65 - ] I ask for your laudability, excellent magistrates, that I have received the same from me, I have read and acted upon the present commands, then from the same Deusdedit, the reverend man, the subdeacon, [ - ca.65 - ] he knows that it has been made, and he himself has subscribed it with his own hand, and both the tabellio and the witnesses who have subscribed here. [ - ca.70 - ] Of the donation, which Donus, a man of respect, a notary and scriniarius of the holy church of Ravenna offers, having been received, it is published, and the acts are present. [ - ca.60 - ] While our lords, the perpetual Augusts, Heraclius in the fifteenth year and after the consulship of the same in the fourteenth year, and Heraclius the new Constantine, his son, in the thirteenth year, on the day of Ravenna, in which, by the grace of God, the lord, the most blessed and apostolic John, the third archbishop, pontificate. [ - ca.9 - ] [ - ca.75 - ] To the master of the soldiers and to Melissa's spouses, present at the present. Of the holy scriptures, we are always warned by reason to dispose, [ - ca.75 - ] to follow the evangelical reading in me, so that in this world I may be a hundredfold and in the future a participant of eternal life. [ - ca.75 - ] To Melissa's spouses, with a willing mind and spontaneous will, without anyone compelling or forcing me, [ - ca.65 - ] but by my own deliberation, I transfer, give, hand over, and make a mancipium, for the offering and remedy of my soul, that is, six principal ounces [ - ca.15 - ] of all my mobile and immobile substance, except for all the mancipia, established in any places or lands, and also of all the furniture from any line or title to me [ - ca.70 - ] in full, which is established under the door of the holy Apollinaris and before the arch of the holy George, and also the fund, which is called Carpania- [ - ca.70 - ] in full with ingress and egress, which is placed next to my house, but also the bakery and two inns within it with [ - ca.70 - ] the horticellum in full. [ - ca.17 - ] I have donated the charter of liberty to Secundus, my relative, of which indeed the above subscriptions.

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