None found in the provided text.
imp(erante) d(omino) n(ostro) Iustiniano p(er)p(etuo) Aug(usto) anno XXXVIII, p(ost) c(onsulatum) Basili anno XXIII, su]b d(ie) XVI K(a)lend(arum) Augustarum, ind(ictione) XII, Ravennae
quon(dam) Collicti, dixit: cuiusmodi chartula plenariae securitatis mihi fecerit Gratianus v(ir) r(everendus), legitimae constitutus tutor Stefani h(onesti) p(ueri)
imp(erante) d(omino) n(ostro) Iustiniano p(er)p(etuo) Aug(usto) anno tricensimo o(ctavo), Rav(ennae), p(ost) c(onsulatum) Basili anno vicensimo tertio, s(ub) d(ie) Iduum Iuliar(um), ind(ictione) duodecima, Ravennae
legiti]m(a)e constitutum, a te s(u)p(ra)d(ic)ta Germana, cl(arissima) f(emina), o(mnem) tertiam portionem praefato minori conpetentem secundum tenorem testamenti
hanc plenariam securitatem in sua firmitate, ubi ubi et in cuiuslibet iudicio prolata fuerit
actum rav(ennae) s(ub) d(ie) et p(ost) c(onsulatum) s(upra)s(crip)ti, ind(ictione) s(upra)s(crip)ta duodecima
notitia de res Guderit q(uon)d(am) liberti, id est arca clave clausa ferro legata valente siliquas aureas duas
signum s(upra)s(crip)ti Gratiani v(iri) r(everendi) subdiaconi litteras nescientem
et alia manu su[scribto] Stefano popillo de suscessionem s(upra)s(crip)ti q(uon)d(am) Collicti conpetere poterunt
in Germana cl(arissima) f(emina), relectam, roboratam et traditam conplevi et absolvi diae s(upra)s(crip)ta
Under the command of our Lord Justinian, perpetual Augustus, in the thirty-eighth year, after the consulship of Basil in the twenty-third year, on the sixteenth day of the Kalends of August, in the twelfth indiction, in Ravenna
When Collicti spoke: what kind of document of full security Gratian, the revered man, has made for me, being the legitimate tutor of the honorable boy Stephen
Under the command of our Lord Justinian, perpetual Augustus, in the thirty-eighth year, in Ravenna, after the consulship of Basil in the twenty-third year, on the Ides of July, in the twelfth indiction, in Ravenna
Legitimate constitution, from you, the aforementioned German, the most illustrious woman, concerning the entire third portion due to the aforementioned minor according to the terms of the will
This full security in its firmness, wherever and in any judgment it may be presented
Done in Ravenna on the day and after the consulship of the aforementioned, in the twelfth indiction
Notice regarding the property of Guderit, the freedman, namely a locked chest bound with iron worth two golden siliquas
Signature of the aforementioned Gratian, the revered man, the subdeacon, who is illiterate
And by another hand, it is written to Stephen, the boy, regarding the succession of the aforementioned Collicti, they will be able to claim
In the most illustrious German woman, I completed and confirmed the reading, and delivered it on the day of the aforementioned