Ἰησοῦς Χριστός, ὁ Υἱὸς τοῦ Θεοῦ, ὁ Σωτήρ ἡμῶν.
Im(perante) d(omino) n(ostro) Iustino p(er)p(etuo) Augusto anno septimo et p(ost) c(onsulatum) eius secundo ann[o] quarto, sub d(ie) tertio Nonarum Iuniarum, indictione quinta, Rav(ennae).
ego Iohannis for(ensis) rogatus et petitus a Domnino v(iro) h(onesto, ạgellario, filio q(uon)d(am) Ven[...], c[i]vem Caesinatem, ipso praesent[e], [a]dstante mihique dictante et consentiente et subter manụ p̣ropria pro ignorantia litterarum signum faciente, et tẹ[stes], ut suscriberent, conrogavit.
constat eum h(ac) d(ie) iure optimo e[t legi-]bus sub duplariae rei taxatione distraxisse, et distraxit, [atque] tradedisse, et tradedit, Deusdedit v(iro) c(larissimo), palatino s(a)c(rarum) l(argitionum), con[parato-]ri, iure directo in perpetuum, hh(eredi)bus posterisque eius, id est fụ[n]ḍị, cui vocavulum est Custinis, uncias quinque iuris sui eṭ [p]ọṛ-tionem aedificii, sed et casalis ad se pertinentis nomine [B]asṣị-anum uncias duas cum omni iure, instructo instrumento[q]ụẹ earum, constitutum in territorio Ariminensi inter adf̣ịnẹṣ f̣[un]d(um) Varianum et fundum Titzianum atque fundum Quadrantula, et in reliquis unciis fundi s(upra)s(crip)ti Custini possidente eodem Deusdedit v(iro) c(larissimo), conparatore, qui nunc sunt, et si qui alii adfines sunt vel ab horigine fuerunt, q(ua) q(uemque) t(angi)t et p(o)p(ulum), sicuti optimae max[i]meque sunt, finibus, terminis, silvis, campis, pratis, pascuis, salectis, sati-onalibus, vineis, arboribus pomiferis fructiferis div[e]rsisque generibus, ribis, fontibus, aquis perennibus limitib[usq]e ea-[rum et omni]bus ad se pertinentibus, sicuti a s(upra)s(crip)tọ vendi[t]ọ[r]e et [a]b ẹịụsque auctoribus bono, optimo et inconcụṣso i[ure po]sses-sessae sunt et hucusque in h(anc) d(iem) possedentur, ita eṭ [t]ṛadẹṇtur.
By the command of our Lord Justin, perpetual Augustus, in the seventh year and after his second consulship, on the third day of the Nones of June, in the fifth indiction, at Ravenna.
I, John of Forli, having been requested and asked by the honorable Lord, the agellarius, son of a certain Ven[...], citizen of Caesinatum, in his presence, with me standing and dictating and consenting and under my own hand making a sign for my ignorance of letters, and the witnesses, that they should subscribe, he requested.
It is established that on this day he has legally and justly distrained under the taxation of double property, and he has distrained, and has transferred, and he transferred to Deusdedit, a most illustrious man, palatine of the sacred revenues, as a direct right in perpetuity, to his heirs and descendants, that is, of the fund, which is called Custinis, five ounces of his own right and a portion of the building, and also two ounces of the house pertaining to it, named Bassianum, with all rights, established in the territory of Ariminum between the fund Varianum and the fund Titzianum and the fund Quadrantula, and in the remaining ounces of the above-mentioned fund Custinis possessed by the same Deusdedit, a most illustrious man, comparator, who are now, and if there are any other relatives or those who have been from the origin, whatever touches the people, just as they are the best and greatest, in boundaries, limits, woods, fields, meadows, pastures, salterns, seasonal pastures, vineyards, fruit-bearing trees of various kinds, rivers, springs, perennial waters and all things pertaining to them, just as they have been possessed by the above-mentioned seller and by his authors in good, best and unassailable right, and until now they are possessed in this day, so they shall also be transferred.