
Canonical URI: http://papyri.info/ddbdp/p.ital;2;37

Translation (Model: gpt-4o-mini, Batch ID: 2)

Extracted Text

Koine Greek

Πακειφικος β(ιρ) h(ονεστυς) εις εστορμεντις σεξ εν ιντριγρο ουνκειαρουμ φουνδι Γενεκειαν̣[ι], σικοτ σουπεριως λεγιτορ, ρογατος ασσ Ρουστικειανα h(ονεστα) φ(εμινα), βενδετρικαι, ειουςκαε ιουγαλη Κειτανε β(ιρο) δ(εουοτο) αυτουρε εδ εσποντανεω φεδιιουσσουρε, κοε με πρεσεντε σιγνα φεικαερουμ, εδ εεις ρελικτο ες, τεστις σουσκριψι, ετ σουπραεσκριπο πρεκειω αυρι σολιδος βειεντι καυτουρ εεις εν πρεσιντι Ιωαννε b(iro) κ(λαρισσιμο), κονπαρατωρε, αδνομιρατος ετ τραδιτος βειδι.


p(er) d(omi)n(o) n(ostro) Mauricio Tiberio p(er)p(etuo) Aug(usto) anno nono, p(ost) c(onsulatum) eiusdem anno octab[o], sub d(ie) sexto Iduum Martiạrum, ind(ictione) nona, in Classe Ravenna[t]ị. Honoratus v(ir) h(onestus), tabellio, scribsi rogatus a Ruṣṭicia[n]ạ ḥ(onesta) [f(emina)], fi[l(ia)] [F]elici defensoris s(an)c(t)ae eclesiae Romanae, et ab eiusque iugale ạuctore et spontaneo fideiussorem Tzittane v(iro) d(evoto), militem numeṛị felicum Persoarmiṇ(iorum), ipsos presentes, adstantes, consen-[ti]entes et inferius manibus propriis signa f[a]cientes, et [t]ẹ[stes], ut suscriberent, pariter conrogavit. constat eos h(ac) d(ie) cum c̣om-muni consensum distraxisse, et distraxerun, tradedis-se, et tradederunt, iure optimo et legibus sub dupplariae rei et rei quoque melioratae Iohanni v(iro) c(larissimo), adoratori num(eri) felicum Rav(ennatium), qui nunc ṃịḷex̣ ṇụṃeri f[e]lịcụm ḷec̣ṭum, fịliọ q(uon)ḍ(am) [___], iure directo in perpetuum hhbus posterisque eius, id ẹṣṭ sex in integro uncias iuris sui ex fundum Geneciano, territorio Ariminensi const(itutum) inter adfines fundum Maurianum et fund-um preturio et in reliquis sex unciis Hildigerno, qui nunc sunt, et si qui alii adfines sunt vel ab origine fuerunt, q(ua) q(uemque) t(angit) et p(o)p(ulum), finibus, spatiis, terminis, campis, pratis, pascus, vineis, ar-aạrbustis, rboribus pomyferis fructiferis et infruc[t]ị-feris diversisque generibus, silvis, salectis, sationalibus, ribis, fontibus, aquis perennis cum earum iure et omni pro-prietạtẹque omniḅuṣqụẹ ad easdem sex uncias s(upra)s(crip)ti fund[i] Geneciani generaliter longo lateque pertinentibus vel universis adiacentibus, sicuti ante a s(upra)s(crip)tis vendetores aucto-ribusve eorum bono, optimo et inconcusso iure possesse sunt et nunc usque in h(anc) d(iem) possidentur, ita et tradentur. veni-entes sibi dixit ssta sex uncias fundi Geneciani q(uae) s(upra) Rustici-ana, h(onesta) f(emina), ex testamentaria voluntate q(uon)d(am) Iustini anterioris iugalis sui, pretium inter eosdem placitum et definitum pro s(upra)s(crip)tas sex uncias id est auri solidos dominicos, obriziacos, optimos, pensantes numero viginti quattuor tantum, qui eisdem vendi-toribus ac die dati, numerati et traditi sunt domi ex arca et ex sacullo s(upra)s(crip)ti emptoris, dante, numerante et tradeṇ-te s(upra)s(crip)to comparatore, suscipientes prefati vendito-res hac sibimet in integro omnem pretium perportantes, nihilque sibi ipsi vendetores ex hoc omni pretio s(upra)s(crip)torum viginti quattuor auri solidorum quidquam amplius redi-beri aut remansisse dixerunt et promiserunt, hac se suos-que omnes exinde ex eadem rem exisse, excessisse discessisseque dixerunt, et eundem comparatorem in rem ire, mittere, ingredi possidereque permiserunt. liberas autem inlibatas ab omni nexu fisci, deviti populi pribatibe et ab ere alieno, litibus controversihisque suis omnibus, sed et a dotis titulo, donationis subsignatio-nisve et a ratione tutelaria nec non et cure seu oblẹgationis citerisque aliis titulis vel honeribus seu contractibus, nullique ante a se donatas, cessas vel opposita neque antea alicui distractas nec cum quoquam eas habe-re commune sed sui iuris eas esse dixerunt. si quis au-tem s(upra)s(crip)tas sex uncias fundi supramemorati Genecia-ni,de q(ua) ag(itur), h(ac) d(ie) partemve earum inve quam partem aut usum-fructum quis aevicerit, quominus emptori ipsum hhdes successoresque eius ei ad quem ea res erit, de qua pertinet pertinevit, habere, tenere, possidere, donare, vindere, commutare hac suo iuri dominiumque more quo voluerit in perpetuo vindicare recte lice-at eidem comparatori, quod ita alii licitum non erit, quae aevic-tum ablatumve quid erit, tunc quanti ea res erit, quae aevic-ta fuerit, dupplum numerum suprascriptọrum viginti quattuor auri solidorum et rei quoque melioratae, sicut adsolet, a s(upra)s(crip)tis venditoribus eorumque hhdibus secundum legem ordine dari convenit sub oppositione rerum facultatum-que s(upra)s(crip)torum vendetorum, quas habent habiturive erunt, de qua vero venditione qq ss venditores quinquem dies usumfr[uc-]tum sibi retenuerunt, quod denuo emptori pro sollemnem tr[a-]ditionem constavit, d(o)l(o) m(alo), vim, metum et circumscrib-tione cessante. gestis municipalibus si allegandi aelegeris, tribuerut s(upra)s(crip)ti venditores licentiam sub stipulatione et sponsione interposita. actum ind(ictione) s(upra)s(crip)ta.


In the ninth year of our Lord Maurice Tiberius, perpetual Augustus, after the consulship of the same, on the sixth day of the Ides of March, in the ninth indiction, in the Classis of Ravenna. Honoratus, a respectable man, a scribe, wrote at the request of Rustician, a respectable woman, daughter of Felici, defender of the holy Roman church, and from her husband, the author and spontaneous guarantor Tzittane, a devoted man, a soldier of the number of the happy Persoarminians, present, standing, consenting and making signs with their own hands below, and witnesses, that they should subscribe, he also requested. It is established that they, on this day, with common consent, have transferred, and they have transferred, by the best right and laws under the double property of the thing and also of the improved thing to John, a most illustrious man, worshiper of the number of the happy Ravennatians, who is now a soldier of the happy number, son of a certain [___], by direct right in perpetuity to his heirs, that is, six full ounces of his right from the fund Geneciano, in the territory of Ariminum established between relatives, the fund Maurianum and the fund preturium and in the remaining six ounces Hildigerno, who are now, and if there are any other relatives who are or have been from the beginning, whatever touches and the people, boundaries, spaces, limits, fields, meadows, pastures, vineyards, arbors, fruit-bearing and non-fruit-bearing trees of various kinds, woods, willows, streams, perennial waters with their rights and all properties pertaining to the same six ounces of the above-mentioned fund Geneciano generally belonging long and wide or adjacent to all, as before the above-mentioned sellers or their good, best and unshakable right they have possessed and now possess until this day, so they will also be transferred. They said that the six ounces of the fund Geneciano which above Rustician, a respectable woman, from the testamentary will of her former husband Justin, the price agreed and defined among them for the above-mentioned six ounces, that is, twenty-four solidi of gold, the best, weighing twenty-four only, which were given to the same sellers on the day, counted and delivered from the house from the chest and from the sack of the above-mentioned buyer, giving, counting and delivering the above-mentioned buyer, receiving the aforementioned sellers in full carrying all the price, and the sellers said and promised that nothing more would be returned to them from this whole price of the above-mentioned twenty-four solidi of gold or remained, and they said that they and all their own have gone out from this, have departed and have left, and they allowed the same buyer to go into the thing, to send, to enter and to possess. However, they declared them free and unencumbered from all ties of the treasury, of the people's debt and from foreign debt, from all their lawsuits and controversies, but also from the title of dowry, from the signing of donations and from the guardianship and care or obligation and from other titles or burdens or contracts, that they have not given them before, nor ceded or opposed them nor have they been sold to anyone before nor have they had common ownership with anyone but declared them to be their own. If anyone, however, concerning the above-mentioned six ounces of the fund Geneciano, of which it is about, on this day, has acquired a part or use of it, that the buyer and his heirs to whom this thing will belong, concerning which it pertains, may have, hold, possess, donate, sell, exchange, reclaim his right and ownership in perpetuity as he wishes, it will be lawful for the same buyer, which will not be lawful for others, what will be taken away or removed, then as much as that thing will be worth, which will have been taken away, double the number of the above-mentioned twenty-four solidi of gold and also of the improved thing, as is customary, from the above-mentioned sellers and their heirs according to the law it is agreed to be given under the opposition of the things and properties of the above-mentioned sellers, which they have or will have, concerning which indeed the sellers have retained five days of usufruct for themselves, which again for the solemn delivery has been established, with bad will, force, fear and circumvention ceasing. If you choose to allege municipal acts, the above-mentioned sellers will grant permission under stipulation and sponsorship interposed. Acted in the above-mentioned indiction.

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