[lec]ṭis s[a]ṭi[onibus]q̣[ue,
[et] infructiferis diversis generis limitibusque suis omnibu[s]
[o]ṃnique iure proprietateque earum, sicuti a s(upra)s(crip)ta venditṛ[i-]
ce eiusque iugale, auctore et fideiussore, possesse
sunt aḍ-
nunc usque in h(anc) d(iem) possidentur; ob quam distractionem
iuristraditionisque causam accepit q(uae) s(upra) venditrex
(*) quam
(*) eius iugalis, auctor et fideiussor, iuxta placitum suum pretiị
[n]omine id est auri solidos d(o)m(inicos) p(robatos), obriziacos, integri ponderis,
p̣erpensantes numero triginta tan[t]um bona fide se ṣ(upra)ṣ(crip)ṭạ
at |que
[Regarding] the leased [lands] and fruitful [ones]
[and] unfruitful of various kinds and their limits to all
and the entire right and ownership of them, just as from the above-mentioned seller
and her husband, author and guarantor, have possessed
until now on this day they are possessed; for which distraction
and cause of legal tradition the above-mentioned seller has received
(*) which
(*) her husband, author and guarantor, according to his agreement regarding the price
that is, thirty solidi of approved gold, of pure weight,
weighing in number thirty only in good faith as above written.