Ἰναρῶς φυλακίτης Διλώθεως
Πτολεµαίωι τ̣ῷ παρ’ Ὥρου τοῦ τοπογραµµατέως χαίρειν.
παρείληφα παρὰ σοῦ Πετῶυν κ̣ω̣µ̣ο⟦ρ⟧γραµµα- τ̣έα Τ⟦ι̣λωθ⟧αγχάεως, ὃν καὶ ἀποκαταστήσω ἐπὶ Δδινύσιον τὸν βασιλι̣κ̣ὸν γρ̣α̣µµα̣[τέα] τῆι τοῦ Μεχείρ, ἢ ἀποτείσω πάντα τὰ ἐπικληθησόµεν’ αὐτῶι.
ἔρρωσο. ἔτους κγ {(ἔτους)} Μεχεὶρ ἐγ̣γ̣ύ̣(η) Πετῶτος κω(µο)γρα(µµατέως)
None extracted.
To Inaros, the guard of Dilotho, greetings to Ptolemaios, who is with Horus the topographer.
I have received from you the village scribe of Petos, Tilo-thaghaeus, whom I will also restore to Dionysios, the royal scribe of Mecheir, or I will pay all that will be called upon him.
Farewell. In the year 23 (of the year) of Mecheir, the guarantee of the village scribe of Petos.