ἔτους πρῶτου καὶ εἰκοστοῦ Αὐτοκράτορος Καίσαρος Τραιανοῦ Ἁδ̣ρ̣ι̣α̣νοῦ Σεβαστοῦ
ἐν Τεβτύνι τῆς Πολέμονος μερίδος τοῦ Ἀρσινοΐτου νομοῦ. ὁμολογεῖ Ὀρσε- νοῦφις Ἀπύγχεως ὡς ἐτῶν τεσσαράκο̣ν- τα οὐλὴ ἀντικνημ̣ί̣ῳ̣ ἀριστερῶι Κρο- νίωνι ὡς ἐτῶν πεντ̣ήκοντα δύο , οὐλ[ὴ] [δακτύλω]ι μικρῷ χιρ[ὸς]
ἀριστερᾶς καὶ Ἁρ- φαῆσι ὡς ἐτῶν τεσσαράκοντα ὀκτο οὐλὴ ἀντικνη]μίῳ ἀριστερῶι, ἀμφοτέροις [Κρονίω]νος τοῦ Χεῶτος ἀπέχειν πα- [ρʼ αὐτῶν], τῶν δύο Κρονίωνος καὶ Ἁρφα- [ήσεως, π]υροῦ ἀρτά[β]ας πεντήκοντα [ἃ]ς [ὤφειλον ο]ἱ δύο τῷ Ὀρσεν[ο]ῦφι καθʼ ὁμολο- γίαν χρ]ήσεως τετελειομένης διὰ τοῦ αὐ- [τοῦ γραφ]ε̣ίου τῷ ἐνεστῶτι ἔτι μηνὶ Ἁθ̣ὺρ ἑκκαιδεκάτηι, ἣν καὶ ἀναδ[έ]δωκεν α[ὐ-] [τοῖς εἰς ἀκύρ]ωσιν, ὑπὲρ ὧν καὶ μηδ[ὲ] [ἐπελεύσεσθαι] τὸν Ὀ̣ρ̣σ̣ε̣ν̣ο̣ῦ̣φ̣ι̣ν̣ μη[δὲ] [τοὺς παρʼ αὐ]τοῦ ἐπ[ὶ τ]οὺς [δύ]ο Κρο[νίω-] [να καὶ Ἁρφ]αῆσιν̣ μηδὲ τοὺς [πα-] [ρʼ αὐτῶν μ]ηδὲ π[ερὶ] ἑτέ[ρ]ου ἁπλ[ῶς] [πράγμα]τος μέχρι [τῆς] ἐν[εστ]ώ[σης] [ἡμέρ]ας τρόπῳ μ[ηδενί. ὑ]πογρα[φεὺς] [τῆς ἀποχ]ῆς ὁ Μάρων Μ[άρ]ω̣[νος]
Ὀρσενοῦφις Ἀπύγχεως ὁμ]ο̣λ̣ο̣γ̣ῶ̣[ ἀπέχειν πα-] [ρὰ Κρονίωνος καὶ Ἁρφα]ήσεως ἀ̣[μφοτέρων] [Κρονίωνος τοῦ Χεῶτος τὰς τ]οῦ πυροῦ [ἀρτάβας] [πεντήκοντα , καὶ οὐκ ἐπε]λεύσομ[αι]
(hand 2) [Ὀρσενοῦφις Ἀπύγχεως ὁμ]ο̣λ̣ο̣γ̣ῶ̣[ ἀπέχειν πα-]
In the first year and the twentieth of the Emperor Caesar Trajan Hadrian Augustus, in Tebytnis of the War's portion of the Arsinoite nome. Orsenouphis Apugcheos acknowledges that he is forty years old, with a left ankle of fifty-two years, a small finger of the left hand, and of forty-eight years, with a left ankle, both of the Kronios of the Chaos, to be separated from them, the two of Kronios and of Harphae, fifty fire arta[bas] which the two owed to Orsenouphis according to the agreement of the completed usage through the same office to the present month of Hathur, the sixteenth, which he also gave to them for cancellation, concerning which neither shall Orsenouphis come nor those from him to the two Kronions and Harphae nor those from them concerning any other matter until the present day in any manner. Signed of the departure is Maron son of Maron, as being fifty years old.