ὁμολ(ογία) Αὐρηλίω[ν
τοῦ καὶ Ἀνουβάδιος Ὥρου [
μεμφισιδος μετὰ κυρίου τ[οῦ ἑαυτῆς ὁμογν(ησίου) ἀ̣δ̣ε̣λ̣φ̣ο̣ῦ̣]
Εἰ[σιδώ]ρου ἐξηγ(ητ ) Μέμφεως [
]απιανου [
]ην τὸν καὶ εκ[
]χρη(ματιζ(?)) [
(No Latin text found in the provided document)
"The confession of Aurelius, of Anubadios Horus, of Memphisdos, with the Lord of his own brotherhood, of Isidorus, the interpreter of Memphis, concerning the (unknown text) of Apianus, concerning the (unknown text) of (unknown text) and (unknown text) concerning (unknown text)."