ῳ τῷ διασημοτάτῳ ἡγεμόνι
παρὰ τῶν πλινθευτῶν τὸν ἀριθμὸν πέντε
καὶ Π]εχύσιος καὶ Μι̣ύσιος καὶ [ο̣υι̣ος/
του ἐξυπηρετουμένων τῇ τειχοποιείᾳ τῆς Ἡλίου πόλεως διὰ Ἄρη Ζμή̣νου/.
ἐνιαυτοῦ καὶ πρὸς [παρελθόντος, ἡ]γεμὼν δέσποτα, ἀφʼ οὗ ἐξυ̣πη-
ρετούμεθα τῇ τ]ειχοποιε̣ί̣ᾳ τῆς Ἡλίου πόλεως, [λειφθ]έν̣τες μόνοι δεδεήμεθα
ἡνίκα ε[ὐτ]υ̣χῶς ἐπεδήμησ̣ε̣ ἐ]κέλευσε̣ ἡμῖν ὀνόματα̣
ἀναγ]καίως τ[ὴν] προσέλευσιν π̣οι̣- [ούμεθά σοι ἀ]ξιοῦντε[ς κ]ελευσθῆναι τοῖ̣ς̣
ἡμῖ[ν ομου̣ς π̣ ἀπα̣ι̣τεῖν̣
No Latin text was extracted.
To the most distinguished governor, from the brickmakers, the number is five.
And Pechysius and Myus and [unknown] of those serving the wall construction of the city of Helios through Ares Zmenos.
In the year and towards [the past], the governor, lord, from whom we are served for the wall construction of the city of Helios, we, having been left alone, are bound.
When he happily settled, he commanded us to name [the necessary] approach, we are asking you to be commanded to [the] ones among us to demand.
[unknown] appeared.