Χινύχιος Ἑρμοπολείτης
ἀναγρα(φόμενος) ἐπʼ ἀμφόδ(ου) πόλ(εως) λιβ(ὸς) ὡς (ἐτῶν) μθ
οὐλ(ὴ) δακτύλ(ῳ) μικ(ρῷ) ἀριστ(ερᾶς) χειρὸ[ς] Ἑρμάμ-μωνι Ἑρμαίου ἀπὸ τῆς αὐτῆς
πόλ(εως) χαίρειν. ἀπέσχον παρά σου τιμῆς ἀρούρης ἡμίσους ἀφʼ ὧν πέπρακα Χινύχι Πορεμάνθιος
γενήματος τοῦ ἐνεστ(ῶτος) ἔτους ἐν τῷ Περὶ Π(όλιν) ἄνω περὶ Θ̣οτέως,
μεθʼ ἃς ἀ̣πέσχεν παρά σου διὰ χειρὸς ὁ αὐτὸς Χινῦχις ἀργυρίου δραχ(μὰς) ὀκτὼ , καὶ νῦν τὰς λοιπὰς τῆς τιμῆς ἀργ(υρίου) (δραχμὰς) εἴκοσι ὀκτὼ , τῶ̣ν̣ δημοσίων
π(αρὰ) Α̣ὐ̣ρη̣λιος (l. Αὐρηλίου) (?) prev. ed.
BL 1.204 : Ἑρμοπολ(ε)ίτ(ο)υ prev. ed.
BL 1.204 : Ποδε̣μάνθιοσ prev. ed.
The priest, Chinychios of Hermopolis, writing down on the thoroughfare of the city, as of the year 58, greets you. I have withheld from you half of the honor of the land from which I have sold to Chinychi, Poremanthios, the produce of the current year in the area of the city above Thoteos, with which he has withheld from you through the hand of the same Chinychios, eight silver drachmas, and now the remaining part of the honor, twenty-eight silver drachmas, of the public.