τῷ ἀιμνήτῳ
ῷ Ἄμ̣[μωνι]
Ἀντώνιος ἐν κ(υρί)ῳ χαίρειν.
χάρις τῷ πάντων δεσπότῃ παρασχόντι ἡμῖν
καιρὸν ἐπιτήδιον
τὴν ἀναμίλλητόν
σου θεοσέβιαν
ἀγαπητὲ υἱ
ὡς γὰρ ἀληθῶς μνή-
μην ἀδιάλιπτόν
σου ποιοῦμαι καὶ ἀπόντος. γὰρ τίς
τῶν ἀνθρώπων οὐκ ἂν θελήσιεν
[σ]οι οὗ [τὴν] θ̣ε̣ο̣σ̣έ̣β̣ηαν
δὴ̣ καὶ διὰ χαραγμάτων εὔχο(μαι)
τ̣ῳ ἀ[ι]μνήτῳ
[υἱῷ Ἄμμωνι]
(none extracted)
To the blessed one,
son of Ammon,
Antonios, greetings in the Lord.
Grace to the Lord of all who has granted us
an opportune time
to speak
your piety,
beloved son,
for truly I make an unceasing remembrance
of you even in your absence. For who
among men would not wish
to converse
with you, whose piety
indeed I pray for through inscriptions.
To the blessed one,
son of Ammon.