παρὰ Κρίτωνι ὠιὸν στρούθειον διηργυρωμένον, μολύβδου εἰς τά(λαντα) κε̣, καὶ ἐφαπτὶς Θεοδώρου τῶν ἐγ (*) Βουβάστου κατοίκων ἱππέων, ἣ ἔκειτο παρʼ ἡμῖν, ἐδώκαμεν δὲ παρακομίσαι ⟦ Traces ⟧ εἰς Βούβαστον.
None extracted.
At Criton, a silver-strung sparrow, made of lead into (talents), and the attachment of Theodoros of the inhabitants of Bubastis, horsemen, which lay beside us, we gave to carry to Bubastis.