Διογένης καὶ Εὔπ̣ο̣ρος καὶ Μύσ̣τ̣ης καὶ
Μαρίων καὶ Σαραπίων καὶ Σαβῖνος καὶ Ἡρακλείδ(ης)
καὶ Ἁρποκρατίων καὶ Ἡλιόδωρος οἱ
γραμματεῖς Μαρίωνι καὶ Ἡρώδῃ γρα(μματεῦσι) μητροπ(όλεως)
χαίρειν. ἐπεὶ συνεθέμεθα ὑμεῖν
χω̣ρὶς τῆς κατʼ οἰκίαν ἀπογραφῆς συν-
θ̣εῖναι μόνα ἀντίγραφα λαογραφιῶν
[κ]α̣τ̣ʼ ἄνδρα καὶ λόγους κατοίκων καὶ
ἀ̣πολογισμοὺς ἀφηλίκων καὶ ἐκτὸς̣
συνόψεως καὶ νῦν δὲ συνεθέμεθα
συνθεῖναι καὶ μόνα ἀντίγραφα λαογρ[α]φ̣(ιῶν)
ἐν κεφαλαίωι τοῦ αὐτοῦ
ιη (ἔτους) Ἁδριανοῦ
Καίσαρος τοῦ κυρίου, παρεχομένων
ὑμῶν ὅσων ἐὰν χρή\α̣ν̣/
σ̣χῶμεν λό-
γων τοῦ
ιζ (ἔτους) πρὸς τὴν σύνθεσιν,
ἐπὶ τῶι λαβόντας ὑμᾶς τῶν πρ̣[οκε]ι̣-
[μ]έ̣νων βιβλίων μόνα τὰ ἀν̣τίγ̣ρ̣α̣φ̣α̣
[πρ]ὸς μηδὲν ἁπλῶς κατασχεῖ̣ν̣ σ̣ε̣ ἔ̣τ̣ι̣,
[τ]ή̣ν τε τῶν καθαρῶν μεταφορὰν καὶ
[τι]μὴν χαρτῶν καὶ τὸν καταχωρισμὸν
[εἶ]ναι πρὸς ὑμᾶς τοὺς περὶ τὸν Μαρίωνα·
[α]ὐ̣τόθεν δὲ ἀπέσχομεν καὶ τὸ ὑπὲρ
τ̣ῶ̣[ν] ἐν κεφαλαίωι συνφωνηθὲν
σ̣αλάριον ὡς πρόκειται, μενόντων
[κυ]ρίων ὧν ἔχομεν ἀλλήλ̣ων χειρο-
[γ]ρ̣άφων. τὸ χειρόγραφον τοῦτο δισ-
[σὸ]ν ἐξεδόμεθα. Διογένης ἔγραψα
[τὸ] σωμάτ̣[ιον. (hand 2) Εὔπορο]ς̣ συνεθέμην
[κα]θ̣ὼ̣ς̣ π̣ρ̣ό̣[κειται. (hand 3) Σα]β̣εῖνος συνεθέμην
[κα]θ̣ὼ̣ς̣ π̣ρ̣ό̣κ̣ε̣ι̣τ̣α̣ι̣. (hand 4) Μ̣α̣ρίων συνε̣θ̣(έμην)
καθ̣ὼς πρόκ(ειται).
(hand 5) Μ̣ύ̣σ̣θ̣ης συνεθέμην καθὼς πρόκειται.
(hand 6) [Ἡ]ρ̣α̣κλείδης υνεθέμην
καθὼς π̣ρ̣ό̣κ̣(ειται).
(hand 7) Σ̣αραπίων συνεθέμην κ[αθὼς] π̣ρ̣ό̣κ̣(ειται).
(hand 8) Ἁ̣ρ̣ποκ(ρατίων) συνεθέμην καθὼς π̣ρ̣ό̣κ̣(ειται).
(hand 9) [Ἡλιό]δ̣ω̣ρ̣ο̣ς̣ [συν]ε̣θέμην κ[αθὼ]ς πρόκ(ειται).
(hand 10)
Ἁ̣δ̣ρ̣ι̣α̣ν̣ο̣ῦ̣ τοῦ κυρίου Μεχ̣εὶρ̣
l. ὑμῖν
l. χρείαν
l. <σ>υνεθέμην
(No Latin text was found in the document.)
Diogenes and Euphorus and Mystes and
Marion and Sarapion and Sabinus and Heracleides
and Harpocration and Heliodorus, the
secretaries to Marion and Herod, greetings from the metropolis.
Since we have agreed with you
to compile separate copies of the ethnographic records
without the household census,
concerning each man and the accounts of the inhabitants and
the reports of the age groups, and outside
the summary, and now we have also agreed
to compile separate copies of the ethnographic records
in the headings of the same
year 18 (of the Emperor Hadrian),
provided by you as much as you may need
we shall have the words of the
year 17 for the compilation,
upon receiving from you the previously mentioned books, only the copies
to not be seized at all,
and the transport of the pure items and
the payment for the papers and the registration
to be with you concerning Marion;
from that very place we have also refrained from the
salary agreed upon in the headings,
as is appropriate, remaining
with the lords of whom we have mutual handwritten
documents. This manuscript has been published in two copies.
I, Diogenes, wrote
the body. (hand 2) I, Euphorus, agreed
as is appropriate. (hand 3) I, Sabinus, agreed
as is appropriate. (hand 4) I, Marion, agreed
as is appropriate.
(hand 5) I, Mystes, agreed as is appropriate.
(hand 6) I, Heracleides, agreed
as is appropriate.
(hand 7) I, Sarapion, agreed as is appropriate.
(hand 8) I, Harpocration, agreed as is appropriate.
(hand 9) I, Heliodorus, agreed as is appropriate.
(hand 10)
of Hadrian, the lord, Mecheir
l. to you
l. need
l. agreed