☧ ἐδόθ(ησαν) δι(ὰ) Θεοφανίου πραγμ(ατευτοῦ) εἰς χρείαν τοῦ ὄκνου λάκκου τοῦ παρὰ ποταμὸν ἐν ἐποι̣(κίῳ) Τίλλωνος ἐ[πὶ τῆ]ς δ ἰνδ(ι)κ(τίωνος) κατασπορ(ᾶς) ε ἐπινεμή(σεως) σιδήρου λίτρ(αι) δεκαπέντε , γί(νονται) σιδήρ(ου) λί(τραι) ιε μό(ναι). (ἔτους) ροβ ρμα Παχὼν κζ δ ἰνδ(ικτίωνος). (hand 2) (γίνονται) σιδήρ(ου) λί(τραι) ιε.
None extracted.
☧ It was given through Theophanius, the administrator, for the need of the pit of the delay by the river in the district of Tyllon, upon the 10th indiction, for the distribution of fifteen liters of iron, which are made into twelve liters of iron only. (Year) 205 (in Roman numerals) Pachon, 27th indiction. (hand 2) (They are made into twelve liters of iron).