
Canonical URI: http://papyri.info/ddbdp/p.mich.mchl;;7

Translation (Model: gpt-4o-mini, Batch ID: 2)

Extracted Text

Koine Greek

Οὐεγέτωι στρα[τηγῷ] Ἀρσι(νοείτου) Ἡρακλείδ[ου μερίδος καὶ διαδεχομένῳ] καὶ τὰ κατὰ [τὴν στρατηγίαν θεμ(ίστου) καὶ Πολέμ(ωνος) μερ(ίδων)] παρὰ Γαίου Ἰου[λίου Νίγερος Ἀντινοέως] Ὀσειραντινοεί[ου τοῦ καὶ Ἑρμαιέως διὰ Οὐαλερίου] Σατορνείλου καὶ Γαίου Ἀπολινα[ρίου Νίγερος κατὰ τὰ] κελευσθέντα [ἀπογραφόμεθα πρὸς τὸ ἐνεστὸς (ἔτος)] Ἀντωνίνου κ[αὶ Οὐήρου Καισάρων τῶν κυρίων] τὰς ὑπαρχούσ[ας ἡμῖν περὶ κώμην] Κερκεσοῦχα κλ[ήρου κατοικικοῦ ἠβροχηκυίας] (ἀρούρης) οὔσας διὰ [σωματισμοῦ εἰς Ἀκου-]σιλάου. διὸ ἐπι[δίδομεν.] (ἔτους) δ Ἀντωνίνου [καὶ Οὐήρου τῶν κυρίων Σεβαστῶν.] Μεχεὶρ


(None extracted)

Translation into English

Let it be to the general of Arsinoe, of the Heracleid portion and to the successor, and concerning the matters of the generalship of the law and the portions of war, from Gaius Julius Niger of Antinoe, of Oseiran of Hermes through Valerius Saturninus, and of Gaius Apollinaris Niger according to the orders given, we are being registered for the current year of Antoninus and of the lords Caesar, the possessions that are with us concerning the village of Kerkesoucha, of the landed estate of the agricultural land, existing through the incorporation into Akousilaus. Therefore, we are giving [this]. (Year) of Antoninus and of the lords Augustus. Mecheir

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