ἐπιστάτῃ φυλακι-
τῶν παρὰ Πατερμοῦθίωνος τοῦ Ἀκουσίλαου
Μακεδόνως Νεφερώτος τῶν ἀπὸ
Ἰβιῶνος Ἀργαίου τῆς Πολέμωνος με-
ρίδος τοῦ Ἀρσινοίτου νομου.
αἰτησιν πο[...]
σὺν ἑτέροις κυλ[...]
ἐλοιδορήσεν, πληγαῖς πλήοσιν
εἰς τὰ παρατυχόντα μέρη τοῦ σώματος· διὸ ἀξιῶ, ἐὰν
φαίνεταί σοι, συντάξαι γράψαι τῷ τῆς
κώμης ἐπιστάτῃ ἐξαποστῖλαι
τόν τε ἐνκαλούμενον ἐπὶ σὲ ὅπως μὲν
ἐγὼ τύχω τῶν σῶν δικίων,
αὐτὸς δὲ τύχοι τῆς ἁρμοζούσης
διαλήμψεως πρὸς ἐπίστασιν
ἑτέρων, ἵν’ ὦ βεβοιθημένος.
ἐπί(στειλον) τῷ ἐπισ(τάτῃ) τὰ δίκαια ποι(εῖν)
(ἔτους) κϛ Καίσαρος Ἐπεὶφ ιβ.
To the overseer of the guard of those from the house of Patermouthis, of Akousilaos, of Macedon, of Nepherotes, of those from Ibiōn, of Argaios, of the district of Polemon, of the law of Arsinoitos.
I request that you, along with others, send a letter with the necessary details regarding the injuries sustained, to the parts of the body affected. Therefore, I ask, if it seems good to you, to compose and send a letter to the overseer of the village, to send the one who is called upon you, so that I may receive my rights, and he may receive the appropriate assistance regarding the oversight of others, so that I may be helped.
Good fortune.
Send to the overseer the necessary legal matters.