α[ὐ]τῶν γεωργ[ῶν] τάξιν ἔχω̣ν {ἔχων} κωμο̣γρα̣μ̣ματέω̣ς ἐ̣ν τοῖς πεδιακοῖς προειν[ ] μ̣οι μαρτυρίαν διὰ Τ̣ου θο[υ]ς̣ μονογράφου
μήτʼ ἐπιβεβ̣ηκ̣ [ ] π̣ε̣ρ̣ὶ̣ τοῦ μη[ ]εβ̣ι̣α̣σθ̣αι μήτε η̣ αι μή[τ]ʼ ἐγ[β]ε̣[β]ληκέναι
κα̣ι̣μ̣ε̣ν̣ α μ̣[ ]ειη̣ ⟦περὶ ἧς⟧ καθησ⟦ ⟧γρ α ( ) Παγκράτει τῶι
ἀρχ[ισωμα]τοφύλακι καὶ πρὸς τῆι σ υ (ντάξει). τ̣ῆι κδ τοῦ Τῦβ̣ι το̣[ῦ λ]α (ἔτους) πε [ ] αὐτῶν διὰ συναλλαγματογράφου Μαρρείους υφη̣[ ] [ ]ι ὑπ[ο]γράψαι Μεγχῆν τὸν νυνὶ μ̣[ε]τειληφό[τ]α τὴν κωμογραμματείαν συνευδο[κ]εῖν· ἐπ̣εὶ οὖν τὰ κατʼ ἐμὲ προσδεῖται τῆς σῆς μισ̣οπονη̣ρί̣[α]ς καὶ ἀ̣ντιλήμψ[εω]
ἀξιῶ σ[ε] ἐ̣μβλ[έ]ψ̣[α]ντα [εἴ]ς τε ταῦτα καὶ ὃ̣ν τρόπον κατ[εφ]θάρ[ην] ὑπʼ ἀνθρώπου ἀγνώμ[ο]νος κεναῖς καταγραφ[αῖς] περισπώμενος παρὰ τὰ προστεταγμένα πε[ρὶ τ]ῶν ἐκ τῆς κατοικία̣ς̣ καὶ τοὺ̣ς ἄλλους χρηματισμ[οὺ]ς̣ ἐπιστ(άτει) \ἱπ(πέων)/ τὰ κατʼ ἐμὲ διεξάγειν· τούτου γ[ὰρ γ]ενομένου δι[ὰ σ]ὲ τεύξομαι ἀντι- λήμψεως ⟦εὐτύχει⟧. εὐτύχει.
(No Latin text was extracted from the document.)
I have a rank of their farmers, having a kômogrammateus in the fields, bearing witness to me through the monograph of T.
Neither have I ascended concerning the matter of being neither to be nor to have been placed.
And if I may be, concerning which I am seated, in the Pancratium.
To the chief bodyguard and to the arrangement. In the year of Tubi, through the exchange of Marrius, I have signed Menghen, who is now receiving the kômogrammateia, to agree; since therefore what concerns me requires your malice and assistance.
I ask you to look into these matters and how I have been corrupted by an ignorant man, being drawn into empty records contrary to the prescribed matters concerning the residence and the other transactions, to conduct what concerns me; for when this happens, I will obtain assistance through you.
Good fortune.