Χάρης Σούχωι
τῶι αὐτοῦ θεῶι.
εἰ Ὧρος Ψενταῆ-τος σύνοιδεν
ἢ εἴληφεν
τῶι ἱματίωι
τῶι ἀπολομένωι
οὗ ὤικουν
ἐξένεγκε τὸ σύμ-βολον τ[οῦτο]· διὰ
Σούχου τ[οῦ θεο]ῦ μ̣ο̣υ̣.
(No Latin text found)
Grace to you.
If Horus of Psentais has knowledge
or has received
the garment
of the one who is perishing
where I lived
Bring forth this sign.
Through the god of Suchus.
They lived.