ὑπατ̣ίας τῶν δ̣ε̣σ̣π̣ο̣τ̣ῶν [ἡμῶν Κωνσταντίου τὸ γ] [καὶ Κ]ώνσταντο̣ς̣ τ̣ὸ β Αὐγ̣[ούστων (month), (day)] [Αὐρ]η̣λίᾳ Μαρτυρίῳ (*) θ̣υ̣γ̣α̣τρὶ ̣ [ -ca.?- ] [̣ ̣ ̣]σαντος γενομένου βουλ̣[ευτοῦ τῆς -ca.?- ]- 5 [̣ ̣ ̣] ̣ των (*) πόλεως, γεουχ[ούσῃ -ca.?- ] (*) [παρ]ὰ̣ Αὐρηλίου Πολ̣λίωνος Τρύ[φωνος -ca.?- ] [ἀπὸ] κώμης Ναρμ̣ούθεως. β̣[ούλομαι μισθώσα-] [σθ]α̣ι̣ παρὰ σοῦ τὰς̣ ὑπαρχού[σας σοι περὶ] [κώ]μ̣ης̣ Βε̣ρ̣νικίδος Θ̣εσμωφ̣[όρου] (*) [ -ca.?- ] 10 [ -ca.?- ] Traces [ -ca.?- ]. Apparatus ^ 3. l. Μαρτυρίᾳ ^ 4-5. or [Ἀρσι|νοε]ι̣τῶν(?) ^ 5. or γεουχ[ούσῃ ἐν τῇ αὐτῇ] ^ 9. l. Θεσμοφ̣[όρου]
None extracted.
Of the consulate of our lords Constantine and Constans, in the month of August, on the day of Aurelius Martyrius, the daughter of the one who became a councilor of the city, being a landholder, from the village of Narmouth. I wish to rent from you the properties concerning the village of Vernikidos, of Thesmophoros.