τῷ ἀγαπητῷ π[ατρὶ Νεφερῶτι] πρ(εσ)β(υτέρῳ) Λυκαρίων [ἐν κ(υρί)ῳ χαίρειν.]
ἐν πρώτοις μὲν [προσαγορεύειν] τὴν ἀμείμητόν
σ̣[ου διάθεσιν ἀναγ-]
καῖόν ἐστιν, ἔπει̣[τα δὲ καὶ τοὺς ἀ-]
αδελφοὺς τοὺς σὺ[ν σοὶ]
λεις λύχνος προς[
ὁ ἄνθρωπος ου[
παλλάξαι τὸ π̣ραγ̣[
μὴ ἀ-]
μελήσῃς ἀπο
πραὺ̣ ἐπιξαμε[ν]
ρεύω ἅπαντα[ς τοὺς ἀγαπητοὺς]
ἀδελφοὺς κατ̣ʼ [ὄνομα τοὺς ὄντας]
σύν σοι ἀγαπω̣[
τιμωντα κα[
ἐρρ[ῶσθαί σε]
ἐν κ(υρί)ῳ [εὔχομαι]
πολλο[ῖς χρόνοις,]
ἀγαπ̣η[τὲ πάτερ.]
ἀπόδ(ος) Νεφερῶτι πρ(εσ)β(υτέρῳ) τῆς Νήσου ἐν Φαθώρ
(No Latin text was extracted from the document.)
To the beloved father Neferoti, elder of Lykarion, greetings in the Lord.
First, I address your unchanging disposition.
It is good, then also to the brothers who are with you.
The man is not able to free himself from the matter.
Do not neglect to be gentle.
I address all the beloved brothers by name who are with you.
I love you and I wish you to be well.
I pray for you in the Lord for many years, beloved father.
From Neferoti, elder of the Isle in Phathor.