εἰς δεκαπρωτείαν
λιβὸς τοπαρχίας τοῦ Ὀξυρυνχίτου νομοῦ παρηλιξ
{καὶ} Θωνίου
τοῦ Ἐπιμάχου ἐδιοίκησεν τὰ κατὰ τὴν δεκαπρωτίαν, καὶ τοῦ καιροῦ λήξαντος τῆς παραδόσεως σίτου Θέων ὁ καὶ Πλούταρχος γεν[ό]μενος ὑπομνηματογράφος νυνὶ
δὲ στρατηγουντος
τοῦ Τανίτου νομοῦ ἐπιστειλεν
Δημητρίῳ πραγματευτῇ αὐτοῦ παραμετρῆσαι εἰς λόγον δημοσίων μετρημάτων ἀρ̣[τάβας ἐ-]
ἐπὶ τοῦ (ἔτους) α
ἔτους τῆς εὐτυχαιστάτης
ταύτης βασιλείας πε̣[ν]τ̣α̣κ̣[ο]σ̣ί̣[ας]
τῷ Θωνίῳ καὶ τῷ τούτου βοηθῷ Διονυσίῳ τῷ καὶ παρόντι. καὶ τοῦ μέτρου παραδοθέντος ὑπὸ τοῦ Δημητρίου ἀκόλουθα ποιῶν ὁ βοηθὸς παρέ-
τοῖς λόγοις τῆς δεκαπρωτείας
τ̣[ο]ῦτ̣ʼ ἔσ̣τιν
τῷ χειριστικῷ οὗ
[πρ]ο̣σ̣έ̣λ̣α̣β̣ε̣ καὶ τῷ κατʼ ἄνδρα τῷ ἐν δ[η]μοσ[ίῳ κατα]κειμένῳ διὰ̣ τ̣[ο]ῦ̣
ἐ̣π̣ι̣δοθ̣έ̣ν̣το̣ς̣ σ̣υ̣ναιρέματος τοῦ δεκαπρώ[του μηνι]αίου Ἐπεὶφ τ[οῦ]
(ἔτους) α
ἔτους. Ἀμμωνίου δὲ τοῦ κρατίστου ἐπείκτου δημοσίου σίτου [τῷ Φα-]
ῶφι μηνὶ τοῦ ἐνεστῶτος (ἔτους) ε
ἔτους τῇ Ὀξυρυνχιτῶν πόλει α̣[
ὁ̣ προειρημένος Ἐπίμαχος δεκάπρωτος προσαγαγὼν μ̣[
μὲ τὸν Μάξιμον ὡς̣ [ὀ]φιλόντος
τοῦ Θέωνος τὰς πεντακοσίας ἀρτάβ[ας]
κα̣ὶ τὰ προσόντα αὐτῷ παρασθέσθαι
διὰ τῶν γενομένων ὑπο-
μνημάτων ὑπὸ τοῦ στρατηγοῦ τοῦ νομοῦ ἐπὶ παρόντος Ἀμμωνίου τοῦ κραστίτου
ὅτι αὐτῷ ἐμετρήθησαν τῷ λόγῳ τῆς δεκαπρωτία[ς].
(No Latin text was extracted from the document.)
Epimachus, having been named to the decaprotia of the district of Oxyrhynchus, was in charge of the affairs of the decaprotia, and when the time for the delivery of grain had ended, Theon, who was also Plutarch, having become a note-taker, now while the general of the Tanite district was in command, sent to Demetrius, his official, to measure the public weights of the grain in aratabas for the year of this most fortunate reign, the fifty. To Thonius and his assistant Dionysius, who was present, and when the measure was delivered by Demetrius, the assistant was to follow the accounts of the decaprotia, which is to say, to the official who received and to the individual who was in the public record, through the provided summary of the decaprotia for the year. And in the month of Ammonius the most excellent public grain, to the city of the Oxyrhynchites, the aforementioned Epimachus, the decaprot, having brought Maximus as a debtor of Theon, requested the five hundred aratabas and to provide the necessary items for him through the notes made by the general of the district in the presence of Ammonius the most excellent, that it was measured to him according to the account of the decaprotia.