π(αρὰ) Εὐλογίου ῥιπαρίου κεφαλ(αιωτῇ) Πανευεί. Πέτρον̣ Παύλου, ὃν συ̣ν[έ]λ̣α̣[β]ε̣ς̣ ἐν ἐποικίῳ Πεγουλ(ίου(?)) Ἀφθον̣ί̣[ο]υ, σπούδασον αὐτῆς ὥρας παραστῆσαι ἐπὶ τῆς πόλεως. (hand 2) ἔρρω̣σ̣ο̣.
(None extracted)
From the blessed riparian (of) Eulogius, to the head of Panavei. Peter of Paul, whom you have gathered in the settlement of Pegulium of Aphtonius, be diligent to present at this hour in the city. (hand 2) Farewell.