Ἰουλίας Εἰρήνης θ̣[υγατρὸς τοῦ καὶ] ἐπικαλουμένου Σ σασθαι βουλόμενοι Αὐρ(ήλιοι) Πτολεμαῖος αἵρεσιν
ἐπὶ κε̣( ῥύσεως ἀπὸ κεραμίων ὧν Γλαφυρῷ ἀμπελουργῷ
Imp(eratore) domino nọ[s]tro Clạudio invicto Aug(usto) et Paternọ [ co(n)s(ulibus)
item pridie ḳaḷ(endas) Ṃaias subieci et collocavi aput acta quịbus suprad(ixi)
item pridie e[id]us Maias subieci et aput acta adiectiọṇẹ fạc̣ṭạ
item pridie eidus Ịụnias subieci et aput acta adiectione facta
item pridie eidus Iulias subieci et aput acta adiectione facta addix̣ị
[in urbe Ale]x̣andrinorum HS quadraginta millibus quingentis praecedentibus comṃọdis fiscalibus pṛạecọneṃ F̣ḷ(avium) Lupeṛc̣iạ[num
Ε̣κτη ε δ β δ
κανώνει τῷ τοῦ αὐτοῦ γενήματος
"Of Julia, daughter of Peace, who is called by the name of S, wishing to be called, Aurelius Ptolemaeus and the factions...
"On the day before the Kalends of May, I submitted and placed before the acts which I have mentioned...
"On the day before the Idus of May, I submitted and placed before the acts with the addition made...
"On the day before the Idus of June, I submitted and placed before the acts with the addition made...
"In the city of Alexandria, with forty-five thousand preceding fiscal commodities...
"In accordance with the law of the same generation..."