χαίρυς, κυρία Ἀταριν, παρὰ Ἁτρῆς φροντιστοῦ. γεινωσειν ὑμᾶς θαίλω, ὅτει αἰκλάπη τὰ μοσχεύματα τὰ ἐν τῷ κτήματι τοῦ Σαιρήνου. καικμήκαμεν ζητοῦντες τοὺς τόπους, οὓς ἐποπτάζομεν, σὺν τοῖς δημοσίοις καὶ οὐδαιμίαν ἔνφασιν εὕραμεν. μαιτηγγαικα τὸν οἶνον, ὡς εἴρηκας, πέμψον οὖν ναυται, μὴ παρατράμῃ. αἰρῶσθαί σαι εὔχομαι σὺν παντοις.
(No Latin text was extracted from the document.)
Greetings, Lady Atarin, from the steward Atrēs. I wish to know you, when the grafts in the estate of Sairenus have been stolen. We have searched for the places we have observed, along with the public, and we found no manifestation. Send the wine, as you have said, therefore, sailors, do not stray. I wish to be lifted with all.