καὶ ὡς χ(ρηματίζει)
Iuliān[o] et Crīspīn[o] co(n)s(ulibus) ann[o] III Imp(eratoris) C(aesaris) Marci Aureli Severi Alexandri Pii Felicis Aug(usti) mense P(auni) die Alexandr(iae) ad Aeg(yptum) apud M(arcum) A(u)r(e)l(i)um E(pagathum) pr(a)ef(ectum) Aeg(ypti) Aur(e)lius Mars(us) q(ui) e(t) Serenus prof(e)ssus est sibi filium natum ess(e) M(arcum) Aurelium Sarapionem su(a) pri(die) I(dus) Aug(ustas) q(uae) f(uerunt) Grato e[t] Sel(eu)c(o) co(n)s(ulibus) Tiber(i) fort filiam Th(e)o Iunias q(uae) f(uerunt)
In the year of the consulship of Julian and Crispinus, in the third year of the reign of Emperor Marcus Aurelius Severus Alexander Pius Felix Augustus, in the month of Pauni, on the day in Alexandria, Egypt, at the hands of Marcus Aurelius Epagathus, the prefect of Egypt, Aurelius Marsus, who is also known as Serenus, declared that he had a son born to him, Marcus Aurelius Sarapion, on the previous day of the Ides of August, which were under the consuls Gratus and Seleucus. Tiberius had a daughter, Thea Iunias, which were also under the consuls.