ἐπὶ ὑπάτων τῶν κυρίων ἡμῶν αὐτοκρατόρων Κω]ν̣[σ]τ̣α̣ν̣[τίου] τ̣ὸ̣ καὶ [ -ca.?- Μαξιμιανοῦ τὸ Σ]εβαστ̣[ῶν· -ca.?- ] [Αὐρηλίοις Ἱερακ]ί̣ωνι τῷ̣ [κ]α̣ὶ̣ Δ̣[ιονυσ]ί̣[ῳ] γυμν̣[α]σ̣ι̣ά̣[ρ]χῳ βουλευτῇ [ - ca.20 - πρ]υ̣τάνι τῆς λαμπρᾶς καὶ λαμπροτάτης [Ὀξυρυγχιτῶν πόλεως καὶ ̣ ̣ ̣ ]μ̣ῳ γυμν̣α̣σιάρχῳ καὶ Σαραπίωνι [ - ca.29 - σ]υ̣ν[δ]ί̣κοις τῆς αὐτῆς πόλεως [Αὐρήλιοι ̣ ̣ ] ̣ [̣ ]ν ὁ καὶ Ἡρακλιανὸς ἀρχιερατεύσ̣[ας] καὶ [Ἀ]γαθῖνος ἐξηγητὴς ἀμφότεροι βουλευταὶ τῆς αὐτῆς πόλεως βιβλι- οφύλακες τοῦ αὐτοῦ νομοῦ τ[ο]ῖ̣[ς] φ̣[ιλτάτο]ι̣[ς] χαίρειν. ἐπεστί̣[λατε] (*)
[ ἡμῖν κ]εκελευκέναι Αὐρήλιον Ἀθανάσιον ἐπίτροπον τῆς κατʼ Αἴγυπτον πριουάτης διʼ ὧν ἔγραψεν κατὰ θεῖον πρόσταγ’μα τῶν δεσποτῶν ἡμῶν βασιλέων τε καὶ Κα\i/σάρων ἀκολούθως τοῖς ἐπιτετῖσι (*)
πρὸς αὐτὸν γράμμασι Νερατίου Ἀπολλωνίδου τὰ ὑ (*)
-πάρχοντα Παύλου ἀπὸ τοῦ Ὀξυρυγχίτου ἀποφάσι (*)
ὑποβληθέντος τοῦ διασημοτάτου ἡγουμένου Θ̣η̣βαί (*)
δος Σατρίου Ἀριανου προσκρειθῆναι (*)
τοῖς τοῦ ταμίου (*)
λογισμοῖς καὶ ἐνγρ[ά]φως ἐπιδοῦναι. ὅθεν ἐξετάσαντες διὰ τῶν κατακιμένων (*)
ἐν τοῖς βιβλιοφυλακίοις (*)
βιβλ̣[ί]ων δηλοῦμεν τὸν Παῦλον μηδὲν κεκτῆσθαι μηδʼ ὅ̣λ̣ω̣ς διεστρῶσθαι διὰ τῶ(ν) κατακιμένων (*)
ἐν τοῖ[ς] βιβλιοφυλακίοις (*)
βιβλ̣[ίω]ν̣ μηδὲ \ε/ἰδέναι τὴν τού- 20 [του γυνε͂κα (*)
τινα [ ̣ ̣ ̣ ]τω μὴ φ̣α̣ί̣ν̣εσθαι τὸν [π]ρ̣[ο]κ̣ί̣μ̣ε̣ν̣ο̣ν̣ Παῦλον διεστρωμέ̣[νον διὰ] τ̣[ῶ]ν̣ α̣ὐ̣τῶν κατακιμένων (*)
[ἐ]ν τοῖς δημ[ο]σίοις ἀρχίοις (*)
[βιβλίων -ca.?- ] (hand 2) ἐ̣ρ̣ρ̣ῶσθαι ὑμᾶ̣ς̣ εὔχομα̣ι̣, φι λ (τατοι) (hand 1?) (ἔτους) [ ̣ ̣ καὶ ̣ ] ̣ ̣ τῶν κυρίων ἡμῶν Κωνστ̣[α]ν̣τίου καὶ Μαξιμιανοῦ Σεβαστῶν [ - ca.25 - ] ̣ Μαξιμίνου τῶν ἐπιφανεστάτων Καισάρων [ -ca.?- ]
None extracted.
To the most excellent lords, our emperors Constantine and Maximian, greetings. To Aurelius Hierakion, who is also Dionysius, gymnasiarch and councilor of the illustrious and most illustrious city of Oxyrhynchus, and to Sarapion, gymnasiarch and syndics of the same city, Aurelius, who is also Heraklian, high priest, and Agathinus, both councilors of the same city, librarians of the same law, greetings to you, most esteemed.
You have been commanded to send Aurelius Athanasius, the commissioner of the province of Egypt, concerning which he has written according to the divine command of our lords, kings and Caesars, accordingly to those appointed.
To him, letters of Neratius Apollonides concerning the possessions of Paul from Oxyrhynchus have been submitted, which were presented by the most distinguished leader of Thebes, Satrius Arianus, to be accounted for in the treasury and to be recorded. Therefore, having examined through the records in the libraries of books, we declare that Paul has neither acquired anything nor has he been found to be in any way misrepresented through the records in the libraries of books, nor has he been seen to have any wife, so that he should not be found to be misrepresented through the same records in the public archives of books.
May you be well, I wish you well, most esteemed, in the year of our lords Constantine and Maximian, the most illustrious Caesars.