πατείας τῶν δεσποτῶν ἡ̣[μῶ]ν̣ [αὐ]τοκρατόρων [-ca.?-]
Μαξιμιανοῦ Σεβαστοῦ τὸ ἕβδ̣[ο]μ̣ο̣[ν] π̣ρ̣ὸ̣ τεσσάρων [-ca.?-]
Οὐαλερίῳ Οὐι
Ὀξ(υρυγχι)τῶν πόλεως. ὁ κύριός μου διασημότατος κ[-ca.?-]
βιας δ̣ ̣ ̣ μ̣ων τῶν στρατηγῶν \καὶ τοῦ σκρείβα/ ἀνακόπτειν μάλιστα[-ca.?-]
εἰς ἐ̣[μ]ὲ̣ ἀπὸ κληρονομίας τῶν γονέων μου ταπ
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πληρου̣αν οἱ ὠνησάμενοι ἀλλʼ οὐκ οἶδʼ[-ca.?-]
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καὶ εἶρξέν με εἰς τ[ὸ] δημοσι[-ca.?-]
νησ̣[ ̣ ]μ̣ενους ⟦απο⟧ πλ̣[ ̣ ]ιν τὰ ὑ
καὶ ὤ̣νησιν [κ]α̣ὶ̣ ἐσχηκότων τ[ὴν] ἡσυχίαν̣. ἡ̣ γὰρ̣ [-ca.?-]
ξέν μ̣ο̣ι τὰ προσόντα τῇ πενί[ᾳ] μ̣ου δίκαια̣
[ ̣ ̣ ̣ ]
γεωργούντω̣ν̣[ ̣ ̣ ]υ̣
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ιζον[ ̣ ]
ποιήσασθαι προς[- ca.10 -]φα[ ̣ ]
ἀλλʼ [ἐ]πειδὴ ὁ προκιμ[- ca.16 -]
επι̣παροντος χω̣[-ca.?-]
[ ̣ ̣ ̣ ]
"To the most illustrious of our lords, the emperors, Maximianus the Augustus, the seventh, before four (others), to Valerius the most distinguished governor of the city of Oxyrhynchus. My lord, the most distinguished, has taken measures against the generals and the scribe, especially to cut off from me the inheritance of my parents. Those who have purchased (it) are not known to me, and he has confined me to the public (land) from the (land) of the (city) and has granted me the peace. For my foreign (land) is justly due to my poverty and to the farmers, and I have been made to produce towards (the land) but since the preeminent (one) has been (in) the (land) of the (city)..."