[Κλαύδι]ος Ἰ
ουλιανὸς Γαβεινίῳ Μοδέσ[τῳ τῷ]
[κρα]τίστῳ ἐπιστρατήγῳ χ̣[αίρειν].
[τὰ ἐ]π̣ισταλέντα μοι ὑ
[ἀξιολο]γ̣ωτάτου καὶ τ[ῶ]ν σ̣ὺν α[ὐ]τ̣ῷ̣ ἐπ̣έ̣[στειλά σοι.]
[φρόντι]σον οὖν̣ κ[α]τὰ τ̣ὴ̣ν σεα[υ]τοῦ [ἡμερῶν δέ̣[κα(?)]
[ἵνα μηδ̣[κακουργη̣[
None extracted.
To Claudius Julianus, greetings to the most powerful Modestus, the general. The things sent to me by Claudius A. I commend to you, therefore, take care according to your own [days ten(?)] so that no evil deeds [occur].