Ἀννίῳ Ἀντωνείνῳ τῷ κρατίστῳ διέποντι
τὴν ἀρχιερωσύνην παρὰ Αὐρηλίου Ὀννώφριος Ὀννώφριος τοῦ Τεῶτος μητρὸς Σιν-
θεῦτος ἀπʼ Ὀξυρύγ’χων πόλεως πυραίθου καὶ παστοφόρου Ἀθηνᾶς
Θοήριδος θεᾶς μεγίστης ἱ
ἐροῦ τοῦ ὄντος ἐν τῇ αὐτῇ πόλει. κα-
τὰ [τὰ κ]ελευσθέντα ὑπὸ σοῦ κ[
] π̣αρατίθεμαι τῷ ἀποστα-
λέν[τ]ι ὀφφικιαλίῳ Αὐρηλίῳ Ζήν̣ωνι ἱ
ἐρᾶσθαί με ἐν τῷ προ-
κειμέ̣νῳ ἱ
ἐρῷ καὶ περιτετμῆσθαι ἐκ συγ̣χωρήσεως
τῆς ἀρχιερωσύνης ἀκολούθως τῷ γενομένῳ ὑπομνή-
ματι οὗ τὸ ἀντίγραφον ἑξῆς ὑπέταξα πρὸς τὸ μηδὲν τὴν
ἐπιμέλειάν σου λανθάνειν. (ἔτους)
β Αὐτοκράτορος
Καίσαρος Γαΐ
ο Οὐϊ
βίου Τρεβωνιανοῦ Γάλλου καὶ Γαΐ
ο Οὐβίου
Ἀφινίου Γάλλου Οὐελδουμιανοῦ Οὐολουσιανοῦ
Εὐσε[β]ῶν Εὐτυχῶν Σεβαστῶν, Μεσορή.
ἔστι δέ.
[ἔτους] ε
, Ἁθὺρ
ε. Αὐρηλίου Ὀννώφριος Τεῶτος πυραίθου
[καὶ πασ]τοφόρου προσαγαγόντος υἱ
ὸν αὐτοῦ Αὐρήλιον Ὀννῶ-
[φριν] καὶ ἀξιώσαντος αὐτὸν περιτμηθῆναι, ἐφειδόντος
[τε τὴ]ν περὶ αὐτοῦ γραφεῖσαν
ἐπιστολὴν ὑπὸ Αὐρηλίου
[Ἁρπο]κ̣ρατίωνος στρατηγοῦ Ὀξυρυγ’χείτου, Σαβεινιανὸς
[ἐκέλε]υ̣σεν αὐτὴν ἅμα τοῖς ὑποκεκολλημένος
[ναι. ἀν]α̣γ̣νωσθείσης, Σαβει-
[νιανὸ]ς̣ διαδεχόμενος τὴν ἀρχιερωσύνην ὑποσημει-
[ωσάμε]ν̣ος τῇ [ἐπ]ι̣[στ]ολῇ ἐκέλευσεν αὐτὸν περιτμηθῆναι.
[Αὐρήλιος Ὀννῶ]φρις Ὀννώφριος ἐπιδέδωκα.
(ἔτους) β Αὐτοκράτορος Καίσαρος Γαΐου Οὐϊβίου Τρεβωνιανοῦ Γάλλου καὶ Γαΐου Οὐβίου Ἀφινίου Γάλλου Οὐελδουμιανοῦ Οὐολουσιανοῦ Εὐσε[β]ῶν Εὐτυχῶν Σεβαστῶν, Μεσορή.
To Annio Antonino, the most powerful governor, the high priesthood from Aurelius Onnophrio, Onnophrio of the mother of Teotus, from the city of Oxyrhynchus, of the fire of Athena, the greatest goddess, of the temple of the being in the same city. Regarding the things commanded by you, I present to the appointed official Aurelius Zenon, to be consecrated in the aforementioned temple and to be circumcised according to the permission of the high priesthood, following the memorandum of which I have submitted a copy hereafter, so that your care may not escape notice. (In the year) of the Emperor Caesar Gaius, of the life of Trebonianus Gallus and Gaius of the family of Ubius, of the family of Athenian Gallus, of the family of Uelduvian, of the family of Volusian, of the pious, of the fortunate, of the August ones, of Mesore. And it is.
(In the year) e, of Athyr. Aurelius Onnophrio of Teotus of the fire of the city and of the temple, having brought forth his son Aurelius Onnophrio and having deemed him worthy to be circumcised, having spared the letter written about him by Aurelius Harpokratios, the general of Oxyrhynchus, Sabinianus commanded it to be read together with those who were attached. After it was read, Sabinianus, having commanded the boy to be circumcised, inquired of the temple scribes whether he had any forbidden mark or any other sign on his body. When they said it was pure and unmarked, Sabinianus, succeeding to the high priesthood, having noted in the letter, commanded him to be circumcised. Aurelius Onnophrio Onnophrio has given.