C(aius). Iul[i]ụs Diogenes
ṭestaṃ[entum fecit].
C(aius)· Iulius Ṛomanus eṭ· C(aius). Ịuḷịụs Diọgenẹ[s et C(aius) Iulius]
Ptoḷemaeuṣ fili me[i] et Clạụḍịa Tẹch[o]ṣiṣ
siṃa fem[i]ṇa mateṛ ḷ[i]bẹṛ[o]rum meoru[m ex asse omnium]
bonoruṃ meorum ạẹq̣uịṣ partibus mị[hi heredes sunto].
cetẹri omnes exherẹdes sunto. cernịṭọq̣[ue hereditatem]
ṃeam unusquisque eorum p̣ṛọ ṣua pạ[rte simul ac sciet]
poteṛ[i]tque testari sẹ mihi herẹdeṃ [esse.
qui ex eis mihi heres heredesue non erin[t testati, non]
mihi heres heredẹṣue erint. hae[
partibusue mihi heres heredesue e[rint
q( ) mih[i] hẹ[r]es heredesue ẹ[rint
C(aius) Iulius Diogenes
testam[entum fecit].
C(aius) Iulius Romanus et C(aius) Iulius Diogenes
Ptolemaeus fili mei et Claudia Techosis
sima femina mater liberorum meorum ex asse omnium
bonorum meorum aequuis partibus mihi heredes sunto.
ceteri omnes exheredes sunto. cernitque hereditatem
meam unusquisque eorum pro sua parte simul ac sciet
poteritque testari se mihi heredem esse.
qui ex eis mihi heres heredesue non erint testati, non
mihi heres heredesue erint. hae
partibusue mihi heres heredesue erint
q( ) mihi heres heredesue erint
(Gaius) Julius Diogenes
made this will.
(Gaius) Julius Romanus and (Gaius) Julius Diogenes
Ptolemaeus, my son, and Claudia Techosis
a certain woman, the mother of my children, from the totality of all
my goods, in equal parts, let there be heirs for me.
All others shall be disinherited. And let it be known that the inheritance
of mine, each of them shall be able to testify for their own part as soon as they know
and they shall be able to testify that they are my heir.
Whoever among them shall not be my heir or heirs, shall not be testate, nor
shall they be my heir or heirs. These
parts shall be for me heirs or heirs
(and) whoever shall be my heirs or heirs