π(αρὰ) τοῦ στρα̣[τ]ηγοῦ κώμάρ̣χαις κα̣[ὶ] δημοσίοις κώμης Νεσμίμεως. ἐξαυτῆς παράδοτε τῷ ἀπ̣ο̣- σταλ[έ]ν̣τι ὑ (*) πʼ ἐμοῦ φρουρῷ Ὁρπαῆσιν ἱερέα εἰς τὴν ἄγυ̣ι̣αν ἐν̣τυχόν[τ]ες (*) Πετοσίρεως ἱ[ε]ρευς (*) καὶ μοσ̣χοσφραγιστης (*).
From the general to the village leaders and the public of the village of Nesmimios. Immediately deliver to the one sent by me to the garrison of Orpaeis a priest to the sanctuary, having encountered (*) the priest of Petosireus (*) and the one with the seal of the calf (*).